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Everything posted by EnlightenedChosenOne

  1. Silly stevey can't think for himself, just as I thought.
  2. Maybe you should use google, because your points are terrible. Silly stevey bringing up historical GDP growth as if that'll be sustainable forever. LOL. Stick to your financial advising bud.
  3. Silly stevey Going back to the same tired accusation of calling anyone who doesn't believe 100% of what he believes a liberal Yawn
  4. I agree silly stevey. Take a break for a bit. You brain in particular can only take so much truth per hour.
  5. Nahhh What's your next question silly stevey, I know you have an endless supply of me ready to fire away
  6. Wait, you actually believed a politician's campaign promises? Silly stevey
  7. You know nothing because you are unenlightened, not because you are a republican. I know many intelligent and highly successful republicans in my industry.
  8. Typing up an essay to attempt to prove your point is sad. You said you didn't mention growth trajectories but start spewing historical GDP figures? What do you think I'm referring to? Growth in the amount of toilet paper used? Come on mannnnnn Let me guess... When China and India's GDP passes up the U.S that'll be Obamas fault too?
  9. Not yet, but you are making progress unenlightened one. I still believe in you.
  10. On a scale of 1-10 I'd give him a 5, right at the median. He was dealt a pretty crappy hand with the economy losing 800,000 jobs a month right before he took over. Some people here think you can snap your fingers and all of a sudden make the economy instantly rebound from the greatest recession since the Great Depression. I support his pro gay marriage stuff but not his Trayvon Martin/St. Louis comments.
  11. Steve, you of all people should know past performance is not indicative of future results. We're in a new "normal" low growth environment while the emerging markets play catch up. You think the US could've continued on the growth trajectory we were on forever? I could've swore you work in finance.. Start acting like it and stop making everything political. (This post is not defending Obama, but rather pointing out how ridiculous your argument is)
  12. Yes I know. Sometimes I am a bit too compassionate. That's why I consider myself an independent. Pick the good stances from both parties without having to adopt the extreme positions of either. That concept might be a little too hard for some of you lowly rednecks to comprehend though. I understand. That's why I'm here to enlighten.
  13. >Bragging about house and senate victories >Lost 2008 presidential bid in a landslide >Lost 2012 presidential bid by a decent margin Your argument is terrible
  14. This is pretty obvious. I think the elite intellectuals are the independents like myself =) Not even trying to troll, but just look at the sheer stupidity of some of the conservative posters on this board. The Deep South redneck stereotype exists for a reason.
  15. Think about the JOBS this would create. You guys love JOBS right?
  16. Yup Hillary is gonna give the teabaggers a spanking in 2016 LOL
  17. Because YALLS commoner brains cant handle the TRUTH YALL are not as smart as YALL think YALL are, LOL And by y'all I mean the teabagger brigade. Everyone else is cool in my book
  18. I guess it's my compassionate side that gets the best of me. I try to enlighten some of the uncivilized posters here but they lack critical thinking skills. You're right. I need to give up on the teabagger brigade. They are too far gone.
  19. I think you're being overly optimistic. I've tried serious topics in the past and some teabagger will chime in with "HURRRR DURRR YOUR MOTHER SHOULVE USED BIRTH CONTROL" Why would I even continue to attempt to have a civil discussion with people like that? That's the definition of insanity. I'd be ecstatic to hold a discussion in a moderated forum with more civilized people like yourself, TVC, hippy, bullets etc where the teabagger brigade (smitty, Stevenash, Lumraider, etc) can't post and derail the topic
  20. It's hard for me to stay committed to real discussion when even my serious topics get derailed by teabaggers
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