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Posts posted by redfan

  1. good luck to ALL the Golden triangle teams!!!!  GT Shockers, Rowdie, OC Crush, Blast, Most Wanted, and any others I forgot to mention or who may spring up out of nowhere!! Lets get as many girls involved as show interest and just forget about the rest for a while!!!  Play hard, have fun!!  good luck to all those VOLLEYBALL players and track stars too, who also enjoy the sport of fastpitch!! and to the rest of the girls in whatever else it is you enjoy!  GOOD LUCK and do well in whatever dreams you follow :)

  2. I have heard the same story warfan tells...true or  not.  all I know is I have seen 3 or 4 games and yes...the kids make a lot of errors, and yes...the pitching is not "great"...but more than anything I have seen a lot of mistakes made by the one person affiliated with the team that matters most.........MOrgan.  he simply makes bad coaching decisions sometimes that ends up costing Warren.  I am in high hopes he will improve on his judgement if he does stick around.  not to  be rude....but it takes more than player talent to win ballgames.  It takes good coaching as well.

  3. I'm not from Buna or Kountze....but we are in that district ,24 AA, and I have seen both teams and all I will say is that I agree that the "kid" in mention from Kountze is indeed a good ball player.  Both Buna and Kountze have some good athletes....but no one is wrong in saying that this kid can play ball.  have fun....and enjoy the game.

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