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Everything posted by Bronco94

  1. I knew this topic would bring attention, but dang. Appreciate it.
  2. Dayton is gonna start out this season 4-0 and then we will finally play somebody, being New Caney. After that we got the hill, both of those games should be good ones. I'm hoping for different results of course, and with us pulling out the wins. Then we possibly could be 6-0 at this point, then we have porter which we can win this ball game, 7-0, you following me here fightfaith, next we have the Mecca of football, Crosby. Hell (Heck, for fightfaith) yea they're good, but we prepare well for better games, so expect a good one. So by now we could be 8-0, maybe 7-1, but possibly 8-0. Then we have two games left, kingwood park which we had a good one last year away that was real exciting which the Dayton JV won, so by now we could be 9-0, maybe 8-1, but possibly 9-0, and then to finish strong we play Caney creek, and end the season 10-0, possibly 9-1. These could be the results of this 2017 All Mighty Dayton Bronco football team. Jsn
  3. I do think the Dayton Broncos will beat fightfaith's team this year. Probably will be a shutout ballgame, with the Broncos having 650 yards total offense, 400 passing 0 ints and 250 on the ground. Defense adds 6 ints and 9 sacks. Poor poor fightfaith didn't know just what to do. See fightfaith anyone can stoop to your level of sarcasm and stupidity. But this topic is titled 2017 Dayton Broncos. Later!!!!
  4. Are you that soft!!!!! How would one assume that comment is a threat.
  5. That's exactly right, your not doing any harm so you might as well move on to a different topic.
  6. Part of being a good parent and a good person is to support your kiddos with all activities no matter if it's sports or debate or honor society or Buisiness professionals of America, so you see I've had my kids go different routes and they were supported by me and my wife. And I too just had a son graduate from college and land a great job with a major gas company. So even though you seem to have hatred towards the Dayton Broncos and other towns other than your own mystery town, we doing ok too.
  7. And your insinuating that I possibly have pressured mine or maybe most posters on here do or have pressured their kids. Lmfao ( the f is for freaking)
  8. Answer this, do you have a child in athletics or are you just on here to stir the pot in everyone else's business.
  9. There has been others on here like fightfaith, geez Louise.
  10. Well thanks for the compliments, I have watched most of this team play together since they were 9&10, so this is a special group to me and a lot of others and after last years varsity finish, we really need this group.
  11. Meanwhile neighbors are gathering the tar and feathers, jk. After last year I believe the Broncos are gonna use what works so if them two have chemistry, expect it. We do have a tough district with all the teams improving like they have, even the hill. So good luck to all teams as they prepare for another great competition and I don't think I want to jump to make to many predictions just yet.
  12. He is still playing and doing well, he played basketball of course, then pitched for the baseball team now back to the grid iron.
  13. Where do they play at, does bmt Kelly have their on stadium.
  14. I'm not sure, if I had a chopper I'd make it but this ford can't fly. Getting off at 5 on jacinto port will suck tomorrow.
  15. Dayton will be headed to Beaumont Kelly for some 7 on 7 action tomorrow at 5:30 pm. I'll need a chopper to make this one, so anyone that wants too see some good action, go and support the Broncos. 8-0-1 so far. Not sure what other teams will be there if anyone finds out please post, depends on what teams are gonna be there I might would have to pull a fast one to make it, anything is possible.
  16. I just remember hashing it out with someone from BH and BHmom I think reminded him of all the seniors they'd loose. I just know it's always interesting in our district and this one here will be no different.
  17. Yes somebody on here said it from the hill as well.
  18. CE King cancelled the 7 on 7 games today. So maybe next week we can get it going again.
  19. I do know that some games bring out the best in you, for instance, every time the Broncos play Crosby. If you look at how we played the rest of the district, you would've never thought that we would've went into OT with Crosby, but we did. So if we can prepare like that for every game, look out 21-5A.
  20. I know we are gonna be young but I was talking with a lady from the hill who said they lost a lot of seniors as well.
  21. Meanwhile back in Dayton, our boys are hard at it for their second day of summer workouts, volunteery of course. Gotta get there. And thanks L-train11, I am a strong supporter of our Bronco program. I bleed purple. We can be the under-dogs every game, and I still will go down fighting.
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