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Everything posted by espn2

  1. Off topic, when were PNG's two trips to Austin in the last 6 years. I remember 04 but I don't remeber the other one. the website that produces these rankings is www.thsbca.com if anyone cares to check it out. I haven't heard Vidor people saying they are the 10th best team in the state. They are just quoting the website. They put out a preseason rankings and then after the first week of district they normally update them weekly. The only thing they are good for is for people to have fun discussing, and giving schools who are playing well recognition. I am sorry Vidor folks, but enjoy it while you can because after the district loss it probably won't last long. As to the topic. Harrington will be to much. Will be the best pitcher Vidor has seen this year. PNG 5 Vidor 2 Next time around maybe the pitching matchup will be more favorable for Vidor.
  2. I say Dayton 6-3. Does anyone have a game time for this yet?
  3. Why would he just now be making his varsity debut.
  4. What a great win for Vidor. Who cares about Tuesday. Win the one your in. I bet they have plenty of pitching. I heard it was one of their strengths this year.
  5. If it were the best way to improve arm strength then all of the people who have millions of dollars a year on the line would throw them to get an edge. And I have never heard of actual big league players doing this. Perhaps you have, but I know of several organizations who do not allow their pitchers to pick up anything that weighs more than a baseball. And that is from the show to single A. And the organization has 100's of millions of dollars on the line. They don't want to risk it with their young prospects. So why would a high school kid who isn't even finished developing physically have better luck.
  6. I can't get the link of Arod's high school swing to open but I will assume it is the same as his big league swing. But in my question (and I am not saying I have the answer) I was refering to the "average" highschool player. Which I think we can agree Arod was not. My grandfather once told me (not refering to baseball) to stay away from anyone who said there was only one way to do anything because that person was trying to sell you something. So I have grown to look for more than one answer to every situation.
  7. OK. I will give you my thoughts, though I doubt you will hold them in high regard. You spend your young life in a local area listening to local guys argue over different aspects of the swing. They sight examples of guys that will help them sell their style of hitting to the player. Both guys teaching two different things are using the same big league hitters as examples. So you go out looking for answers. Go to colleges, clinics, whatever forums you can find and listen to all the experts. You sit in one room and you have an expert showing you slow motion footage of guys like Bonds, Griffey, Pujols, Giambi and others refering to them as front side hitters. (back foot leaves the ground or slides forward or so forth) Then you go to another expert and they have slow motion footage of the same hitters and are refering to them as back foot hitters. (head stays still, back foot doesn't move forward) Both swings resulting in a homerun. I don't have the time to go find all of the examples that I am speaking of, but I promise you they are out there. This is off topic and I am certain will lesson your opinion of my thoughts but: I have wondered for years how practical it is to look at guys who are 6'5'', 230lbs and can bench press the gym and compare those to the average highschool kid. Being generous 5'9'', 160lbs, lucky to bench more than their own body weight. I wonder about A-Rod. Maybe the best player we will ever see in our lifetime. Is this because he has a great swing. Or do we say he has a great swing because he is the greatest player we may ever see. And being such a great player can get away with a very comlicated swing. A-Rod goes through a slump he still hits .280 for the month with 8 homers and is simply an allstar instead of the MVP. A highschool kid tries to sort out a slump with that complicated swing and he hits .180 for the season.
  8. Swingbuilder, You make a post and ask a question. You choose not to answer it yourself for several days. Finally a couple of people answer your question and you blast them. If you knew what the answer was you should have just answered it up front. Unless you were just asking it so you could rip some unexpecting participant, in that case congratulations mission accomplished.
  9. I don't understand why he was left so long either. Maybe someone from BC can help. I heard he threw over 120 pitches on a night he topped out at 86 and was behind the entire game. Next week when BC plays and their number 2 or 3 has to throw how long will it have been since they pitched in a game. Weeks? As to the topic. BC is not overrated. They are probably the number two team in the area. I think that was well established tonight.
  10. Hard to argue with that order. Might want to mention Coach Stone. He did a really good job dealing with some adversity this year.
  11. Looks like both coaches went after the win. BC threw Angelle a ton of pitches. And LCM pulled out all the stops running the bases. So much for this game not really not being important. Anyone how did go really missed out.
  12. I have not seen WB's middle play. But I have seen most of the others. And LCM's pair would be the best. Their second baseman has the best arm of any around. No doubt.
  13. We should lay off the kid. Let him enjoy his award. Who else was even nominated last week. I didn't see anybody. So maybe he had the best week.
  14. Probably had more to do with the % of rain.
  15. I know the 9 is correct. I am not sure about the 106. Just can't count that high.
  16. In the words of Bob Knight "You are what your record says you are"
  17. I don't mean to be rude. But someone said this program has been turned around. Vidor (11-12) (3-6), And I don't think this includes the loss to the JV. Vidor people please don't jump on me, but lets say turning it around.
  18. I have to agree with old coach. The best player on the best team if there is no other team even close. The two local 3A and 4A districts seem to be a no brainer with BC and LCM being so far out in front. Angelle seems so obvious they should just by pass the vote. In 4A someone should really start a co-mvp campaign for Ehlert and Womack. Does this ever happen?
  19. I would not think durability would be an issue either way. The latest you could play a one game would be Saturday and the earliest the next week would be wendsday. And that would be if you lost several flips. So durability would play less of a role in a one game. Now in two out of three some coaches might want to throw a pitcher more than once and that is when durability would come into play. Just my opinion.
  20. I would have to give Jackson and Rowell the edge in leadership based on them being elidgable for their team all season.
  21. Capt. K, How about this list of guys using weighted balls. Haymon Powell Cloeren They all have something in common too.
  22. MIF, Those are awful strong words. I think some around would disagree with you.
  23. I don't think I have ever seen a runner score all the way from second on a pick play. Surely there was an over throw at third or a play at the plate or something. It would seem to me the centerfielder just had to get the ball and throw it in. You still have 2 strikes on the hitter.
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