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Posts posted by SCDAWG

  1. Summer Creek was the benefactor of a lot of good fortune, and balls bouncing their way to give off the appearance of them being "good".  However in 6a, they will not get that sort of luck.  They will face teams that are bigger, faster, and more experienced. 

    SC got to draw from Humble HS, after their unacceptable rating

    SC got the added benefit of being the new shiny school 

    SC drew a weaker than normal 19-4a

    SC had the benefit of higher enrollment numbers. (which means a bigger staff to coach your kids) 

    Like i said last year, perhaps on this site maybe not, they were going to get whipped around a good share this year.   Dickinson is a good program, but they are not better than Kingwood, Atascocita, or The Woodlands as it stands right now.      I wish them the best of luck, as they are my 6a team, but they are not ready for what is coming.    They by no means are like  Manvel in their jump upwards. 


    I agree with what you are saying but anyone who thinks SC's has the same amount of talent on the field this year as the past 2-3 years is delusional.  

  2. I thought the O-Line did... Ok in pass protection. I have to give props to Dickinson's secondary, they played very tight (I don't even think Sharp would have had too much success, much less Bean). The biggest gripe I have was the numerous false starts that just killed any momentum we built on several drives. As for the defense, we have a glaring problem with pass defense. I mean GLARING. Our DB's have little to no trouble pursuing a ball carrier coming out of the backfield and make the open field tackle but as soon as they see that ball go through the air its like they forget how to pursue. Pass rushers aren't helping them out either though. Setting those things aside, had they played this game more like last week (as in, actually executed), they probably would have won by a score or two. That pretty much does it for my rant.

    I must disagree with you there aschom78, Bean looked good at times but he is no Aaron Sharp, however he does show potential at QB. Defense couldn't stop the run in the second half. 

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