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Posts posted by Salesman

  1. Perhaps our ability to assess talent at an early age is somewhat different, Bobcat Pride. I'll give you full approval to call me ignorant and or any other name in the book if I am proven wrong in the next few years. The question one might raise is, if one has been around all these years in the area, why hasn't he made these predictions prior to now? Hmmmm. That will leave you scratching your skull for a while. Do I have a dog in the race? Absolutely not. It is an honest assessment, solely. If I am right, I gained nothing. If I am wrong, I lost nothing.

  2. Bobcat Pride called me out. Thank you !

    The reference to Hardin's state title run potentially will be from 2020-2023

    I appreciate your ignorance, on this matter. Perhaps you have a child around the ages of 9-11 who got beat by Hardin 49-0 a few weeks ago, in 8 minute running quarters.

    Let's all ignore the fact that this same group of young men beat Dayton for the league championship 3 seasons ago. Let's all ignore the fact that they as a group have lost 1 game in 3 years to an opponent they turned around and beat in the Superbowl. Let's all ignore the fact that they own the league and have for quite some time now. You want to make a joke out of it, but it's you who have not seen these kids play. I am not praising Hardin's current varsity, JV or junior high teams. If I was high on Hardin, don't you believe I would do the same year in and year out for all levels. I made a 6-4 prediction for the varsity this year, that quite possibly might not pan out. If you aren't good enough, you aren't good enough. I call it like I see it, jack.

    I have come to know on 1 hand, athletes from Hardin that could play at the next level and did. Not even worthy enough of Sunday but were good for our community / region from what we are accustom to experiencing. HD has produced some of the best talent in this area hands down for the majority of my life. That's something that will never change, but to ignore the fact that a few miles down 770 and up 146 is exciting, is absurd. I think if you came out and watched, you too would be convinced.


    The same thing is happening right now in Liberty. Can I stand Liberty, absolutely not. So, by giving them props you should know that what I speak of is realistic and inevitable.

    The talent they have coming is impeccable. I have not seen anything like it in over 20 years. That being said, they still aren't good enough to beat Hardin in this league for the championship. This all may be jibberish and mean nothing to you. It's special to me.


    Carry on gentlemen

  3. Warren in Hardin, for Homecoming week.

    I think this has the ingredients to a well cooked game, but not sure which Hardin team will show up.

    The Hardin team that smacked New Waverly in the face for 2 1/2 quarters and played well enough to win convincingly.

    The Hardin team that came out after halftime in Woodville and shut down the Eagles offense and looked great at times.

    Or, the Hardin team in the 1st half vs. Woodville, that could not do anything right and give up the big play on 3rd down, on numerous occasion.

    The Hardin team that fell apart in New Waverly in the 2nd half after a busted play, and never regained momentum.

    Its been the tale of two stories this year in Hornet land. I think the Hornets will prevail this week and surprise Warren.


    Hardin 28

    Warren 22

  4. I predicted 6 wins for Hardin, Kitty.

    Who said anything about wanting my team to be good "so bad" ?

    I retracted my 6 wins, as well. I am just willing to make a man's bet that your Bobcats won't get past the first round. I'm at least giving you the benefit of the doubt, by saying they'll make the playoffs. Don't get your wad in a panties, lmbo.


    Come on Bobcats, how hungry are YA

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