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Posts posted by Salesman

  1. Gentlemen / Ladies


    I have spent years on and off this site, under different alias's and what not. I have always shared my opinion in support of local schools and programs.

    Never one to discriminate or bring slander upon any individual/program. It has been fun but I am opting out. I've enjoyed the commentary, updates, friendly discussions, etc. I will still view the site but no longer have an account to be interactive within the message board sections.


    Former Alias

    MossHill 2008-2013


    Thank You,


  2. I will agree with you, IITB


    Hardin will not lay down to anyone this year. We will be very physical and skilled up front, with the O-line leading the way. I see a middle of the pack, 6-4 season.

    Rumor has it - no playoff appearance =well, you can figure it out


    These boys has what it takes to get the job done.


    Go Hornets / Lions ( only because you guys have our ole' bud Joub )

  3. Those girls on that Hardin team were all high draft pick (WNBA) players. I believe 3 of the starting 5 were sister/cousin combinations. The Reescano girls left one heck of a legacy at Hardin, for girls basketball. I had heard that Lola Reescano was hands down one of the greatest female athletes from the entire area back then. They say that they ran smooth through the playoffs without being in a close game in 3 consecutive years. I'm not sure that's ever happened anywhere, in the state ?

  4. This man has flew under the radar for many years. Glad to see his hard work ethic has finally paid off. He will do great things for Kountze's football program.

    For those who underestimate him, you will be thoroughly impressed and shocked to say the least, by the results. One of the greatest offensive minds that I have ever known.


    Congratulations Duane and Kountze Lions on a great hire

  5. How can you people be on this website and make assumptions about Duane in regards to being basketball minded? Did you not have anything to do with local football in southeast Texas in the early 90's. Aside from that, the guy is a football legend at Hardin Jefferson. He is an offensive minded genius and knows the game better than anyone in the area, guaranteed. How can you not know him and if you don't know him, link him to being a basketball guy? Somebody, please help you !!!!


    DJ is football "minded" and basketball gifted. He has flew under the radar for many year and now it's his time to shine.


    By the way : My offensive coordinator in Hardin (2000-2003) -- What does that equal - 3 straight playoff appearances

    Make him the AD/HC and those appearances would have turned into much more, jmo

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