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Posts posted by kingjames

  1. 15 minutes ago, BlkMamba24 said:

    Im only going by what the experts say my man..lol..Jim Hicks said today on his radio show we were 40 out of 40 in his rankings im guessin cause we lack division 1 players idk. But they are the EXPERTS and ppl value their opinion....

    Well hopefully the guys show them that they are wrong. Ozen looks good the few times I seen them looks like the kids play together.

  2. 21 minutes ago, BlkMamba24 said:

    The experts picks for 22-5A:

    1. PA Memorial-return majority of their team young but very talented led by Derrian Chatman

    2.Central- return the bulk of their team including D1 prospects Kobi Dill,Byron Arceneaux,Jaylon Williams

    3. Nederland -Kevin Howard & Darryl Jones will lead the way for the Bulldogs along with some young & upcoming players

    4. Ozen -jury still out ..we will see what the season holds!!!!!!!!!!

    Mamba come on now everyone knows that Ozen one of the best teams in the area quit trying to go under the radar lmbo!!!

  3. 7 hours ago, Eagles12 said:

    Not doubting or disrespecting Silsbee just think sometimes we want to base way too much off of fall and summer league games. Never know who is missing players and what other factors are going into it. 

    You are absolutely correct cause Silsbee Lite been playing without 6 players. We don't complain we go play with what we got 5 or 6 players it doesn't matter.

  4. 44 minutes ago, BlkMamba24 said:

    Silsbee deserves to be there but they may be right about Ozen i mean they have nothing to brag about what ive seen , a bunch of no named kids #5 may be to high for them shouldnt have been ranked at all .

    All teams need to work hard and go get what they want which is a state title and understand nothing gonna be giving to you and that it will be ups and downs during the season stay positive and be there for your brother

  5. 10 minutes ago, BlkMamba24 said:

    The rankings are a gift & curse, take teams like Lancaster,Lincoln,& Desoto if they arent #1 they feel disrespected & play with a chip on their shoulder until they reach the ultimate goal which is a SC.. on the other hand you have some teams who definitely want the ranking but take it for granted & they dont fully understand the chip must stay on your shoulder because  til the end.because eveyone is gunning for you. You go from being hunter to hunted not many teams can handle that pressure. My question is which teams will live up it on a consistent basis , losses will happen but will you stay course 

    YOU said a mouthful then Mamba. For all the teams in the area wish them well hope they all stay hungry and represent SETX well.

  6. 31 minutes ago, BlkMamba24 said:

    This is like pulling teeth no one seems to be into it right now. Season starts next wk geesh lol. Anyways i'll stir it up a lil bit check out  

    This is the hidden content, please
      love to hear the hate i mean thoughts from all the experts 

    Interesting Mamba as for as my Tigers go we should not be ranked number 1 defending champs with returning starters should be. More interesting they have Ozen to finish 3rd in district and they ranked number 5 in state. Ozen is better then what people thinks IMO

  7. 25 minutes ago, Who That said:

    Hay I was just saying it would be a good game for both schools LMAO... I've done seen Silsbee run and dunk all over Ozen earlier this year .. First time for me to see Willie" play and he hasn't been back on the court because of football. But he had no problems flying over the Ozen players head and slamming it in.. It was actually a very easy win for the Tigers. And yes I'm a Tiger 100% but don't think I'm knot for the ☆ 409 ☆ if Ozen goes to state in 5A I" will be rooting for them all the way....

    Preseason don't mean that much so many things change.

  8. Talked to Coach Wise (Yates) the weekend he was looking at games he said he expects it to be out of Silsbee and Yates to get to State. He knows he has to be on his game to beat the Tigers he said they looking good already I do know they play Sam Houston the first game of the season would like to make that one if I find out the date. Also was told they scrimmage Atascocita couple weekends back and got beat by 25 plus.

  9. Definitely think so it's gonna be a great year I do believe so. The basketball players in there now is getting tested and they need that whenever football gets in there and get in groove watch out. In my opinion you have better shooters then last year just good chemistry between the boys right now. Watch them the  weekend they may get down but they never panic and they know where the others are on the court just pretty awesome and its preseason. They have a chance to be really really good.

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