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Posts posted by eaba26

  1. The score will not be 54-0 or 35-7.  I think Evadale can win this game.  I have seen both teams play multiple times and they are both  very well coached and have alot of talent.  They are probably the two best coached teams I have seen in the last four years.  Cypress is very athletic on defense.  Much more so than anyone Evadale has played in the regular season over the past four years.  It will be a great test for them.  But I will also say that Cypress has never played a team full of head hunters like Evadale.  Maybe a team with 2-3, but not a team with eleven. My prediction.

    Cypress 16 and Evadale 7.

    They are really good at field goals and will find touchdowns difficult against Evadale.
  2. Cant feel bad about losing to KFW.  They are a very good football team.  Just start practice this week and get ready for the playoffs.  You will be surprised how competitive Burkville will be with schools their own size.  My son played in district with you guys last year and he now plays against KFW and Cypress, the team playing Evadale next week.  These teams are very good.  Would be able to compete in 2A easily.  Keep your head up and play hard. Good things will happen.
    Good Luck to everyone in Burkeville
  3. Hunter is alot like my son.  Everybody always tells them they are to small or to short, but they just keep going out and getting over 10 tackles a game.  Hunter is one of the best "small" players I have seen.  He is just a good football player.  Keep up the good work and God Bless you guys.  Another guy alot like Hunter is Allen Collette.  He is about 160 lbs and played DT last year.  I think he is player OSLB this year. Another good "football player".  That would make a good post you know.  What's the difference between a football player and someone who plays football?
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