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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. why do you guys have a problem with law now? It has been in place before president Obama was in office
  2. I never said we should outlaw guns :)
  3. you cannot say a person does not know ANYTHING about the constitution even though he taught constitutional law for 12 yrs. That makes me skeptical, and I won't believe anything else you have to say.
  4. you have made it very clear that you dont know what you are talking about in regards to the ACA. Smh
  5. Let them die, they do have the freedom to do that.
  6. that is stupid as hell. Let them keep the insurance. If they have a major illness and reach their 3 million dollar max, they should not be allowed to get any other insurance.
  7. I would have to hear him say what she wrote. What he says is often misconstrued. She started off by saying that the President " knows nothing about the constitution", that is when I started to question the validity of the article. He taught constitutional law at the university of Chicago.
  8. you made it seem as if having ONLY 15 casualties instead of 35 is a great reason to oppose stricter gun laws
  9. you haven't seen mine either, but that doesn't change the fact that I am a Registered Nurse.
  10. I read an article that stated that Bush's administration told 265 lies regarding the situation in Iraq. President Obama should've said, you can keep your legal plan. Why someone would want to keep a plan with preexisting condition exclusions and maximum out of pocket limitations is baffling.
  11. a gaffe and being extremely stupid are two different things.
  12. what about the people who didnt get paid for two weeks.fox news is not a reliable source so showing me articles, sound bites is a moot point. How would you feel if you were that one person that lost his/her job.
  13. when did hev say this? Did you hear him or did you get your info from fox news.
  14. I am positive he does...it was a gaffe
  15. have you personally seen Clinton's, both Bush's. Carter, and Perry. You cant teach a class at law school if you are not a lawyer.
  16. Yeah I would just love to have a privately run fire and police department. NOT. Have you heard what has been going on at some of the private prisions?
  17. what degree? A socialist is someone who believes that the government should own ALL means of production. When has the president ever made that statement?
  18. president Obama is a Muslim even though he says otherwise. That is akin tobme telling you that you are a Buddhist, spite of, what religion you say you practice (that is dumb as hell). The president was born in Kenya, SMH. President Obama is coming for our guns, when I ask. President obama doesn't understand the constitution ( he did teach constitutional law). President obama does not love America ( that is dumb as hell). The list goes on and on.
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