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Everything posted by DC07

  1. sabine pass looked out of baseball shape havent played in a while. Hopefully we'll be prepared tomorrow
  2. i expected big sandy to come out on top for sure
  3. it'll be tough for HD in that gym for sure but if HD shows up determined to play i think they will win, but if they dont and get shaken by the crowd it will be evadale
  4. Congrats i've seen yall play and yall play very good D
  5. i'm takin sharks their still undefeated at home, and i dont see it bein as close a game as it was last time
  6. Sharks have been really strong at home this year takin the sharks at home
  7. good hard hard fought game for both teams. Good game to watch spurger showed class, Congrats
  8. Thanks...... I am glad to except the award...... i think you mean accept?
  9. even if whittiker and chase are out i still see spurger as a pretty well rounded team, and with them healthy just that much better this may be a fight to the finish. Sharks need to play hard from start to finish to try to steal one on the road.
  10. congrats cardinals looks like WH has trouble winning away from home :
  11. big game for both teams i'm sure spurger will be lookin for revenge after the over time lost against SP first time around
  12. man what a game Sam was lights out, sharks didnt show in the first quarter but realy showed up in the 4th hull daisetta missed too many free throws late and SP took advantage of it.
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