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Everything posted by workbootz

  1. It's time for Clowney to hold it down until Watt gets back healthy.
  2. How you figure that.....just because PAM drops makes them stronger.
  3. I'm not talking about Styner he's the RB. Gaines will be QB.
  4. The guy you once said was the best that walked the hallways since Green. He'll be the QB.
  5. It's funny how you bring up the Humble schools but not NS. Wasn't NS in the same district as WB and PAM. Nobody trying to claim any Katy, LT or anything else.
  6. C'mon Man how you gonna say West of the Trinity but don't include the Houston area. You left North Shore off that list.
  7. I believe they will get somebody that'll stay. Lambert the crook is out of there. She didn't give a crap about Ozen. She had her hand in the cookie jar for those bad hires.
  8. The dumbest day one trade goes to the Texans.
  9. Where's Buddy Garrity...his boy about to get some time.
  10. It could be worse...that trip from Baytown to Livingston going to be crucial.
  11. Dayton vs Galveston Ball Friday @7 @Baytown Lee
  12. That rezoning is coming soon, from what I hear. Beaumont Harmony Science just might get more people in the near future.
  13. PAM screwed West Brook by dropping down to 5A. Even though Lufkin is a 100 miles away a trip down 69 won't be as bad as taking a trip down 45 on a Friday afternoon. West Brook is on an island by themselves, just like Baytown Lee they have to go somewhere.
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