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Posts posted by highsky

  1. it would be a three way tie...because hardin beats E.C but buna beat hardin and e.c beat buna...E.C wouldnt get the district title just for themselves....

    try again...if Hardin beats EC then EC has 2 district losses so no three way tie for 1st place (Buna and Hardin would both only have 1 district loss)...Buna gets 1st due to beating Hardin (assuming Buna beats Warren)..Hardin gets 2nd by beating EC but losing to Hardin...two way tie between EC and Kountze...Kountze gets 3rd playoff spot by beating EC. (or it could be determined by points scored..I don't know)

    If EC beats Hardin then 2 way tie for 1st place between EC and Buna, EC wins 1st due to beating Buna...Buna gets 2nd by beating Hardin and Hardin gets 3rd playoff spot by beating Kountze.

  2. You must have been at a different game than I was, the Pirates marched up and down the field, the offensive and defensive lines for the Pirates controlled the game, the bad sportsmanship occurred after the game when # 63 for Buna refused to shake hands with the players from Deweyville, then walked to Deweyvilles side and started jawing with their fans, this is the same player who was called for a 15 yd unsportsman like penalty earlier in the 4th qtr. chippiness occurs during every game, however, to not shake your opponents hand after the game, like every other Cougar did except this young man showed poor sportsmanship.  With that said, again, as I posted previously, you can't turn the ball over 4 times in the 4th qtr against any team and expect to win, especially a good team like Buna.

    I wasn't there; that is why I asked...but at the Buna/Hardin game I seem to recall hearing #77 taunting the Hardin crowd.  I wonder why the coaches let the Buna boys do that...it seems like I hear something about every game with Buna (I'm probably exaggerating).

  3. yep.. kountze brought the hat.. he runs out of bounds every chance he gets. doesnt like contact much, does he?? he finished the first half and didnt play much in the second.

    I haven't seen him yet and hope to see the Hardin/EC game next Friday, but if he is as hyped up like everyone makes him out to be then he probably does run out of bounds every chance he gets b/c he wants to get a scholarship to a good school (can't fault him for that since a serious injury could derail that) and due to the fact that every school that plays EC is going to key on him when he is on offense, the risk of injury is increased.

    Dang, got off track there for a sec....Congrats Kountze...sounds like it was a good game!

  4. this is how it would have to go....since kountze defeated E.C, hardin to beat them and that would put ktz,E.C and hardin in a tie but since hardin and kountze beat E.C it would kick them off the top three. Since hardin beat kountze it would come out to be this.




    a bit confused by the wording in red in the quote... If hardin beats EC, then EC would have 2 district losses so there would not be a 3 way tie between Hardin (since Hardin would still only have 1 district loss), EC and Kountze.  But I do kind of see what you are saying...it would be a 2 way tie for 3rd place/playoff spot, but, say Hardin does beat EC, then Ktz would get the 3rd spot due to head to head win over EC. Say this scenario plays out like that then,

    1.Buna (wins district with one loss and win over Hardin)

    2.Hardin (has to beat EC for this spot)

    3.Kountze (Hardin has to beat EC)

    or if Hardin loses...then

    1. EC (wins district with one loss and win over Buna)

    2. Buna

    3. Hardin (gets the spot due to head to head win over KTZ)

  5. congrats Kountze...I think you surprised us all tonight.  I knew ya'll could play after your game with Hardin, but this really caps off your season.  What a turnaround for ya'll!!!!

    BTW, how did you score your touchdowns?  Are they weak in the secondary with the exception of TT?   I wouldn't be surprised if the big ol' running back from Kountze had his way with EC...that is a big ol' boy!!!

  6. dude are ya'll serious i think i would have to go with kaila johnson...that girl hits harder than all those girls and she is more accurate with her KILLS

    you must be biased for Kountze in general b/c I have seen her play several times this year and while she does hit very hard, she has to have a perfect set to hit it hard.  The mark of a great hitter is a hitter that can make something out of nothing and she has yet to prove that to me.  However, she is a JR so next year ought to be a good year for her (mark it up to a learning curve).  Accuracy is something she needs to work on.  The last game I saw her play, she only hit 3-4 balls hard and 2 went for kills (the others were digged by the defense) and I saw quite a few balls go out of bounds when she hit them.

    Now if this had been a thread for best blocker, then Johnson wins it hands down.  She is always around the ball on the front row defensewise. 

  7. I continually hear the same thing coming from many people on this board, "they haven't played any one!"  I am a coach and I would like to say this....  People have said the same thing about us in Buna and we know that Buna and Hardin are dang good football teams.  You play each week whoever is on the schedule and if you are a good football team you do what these 2 teams have done!  You pound your opponents!  That is exactly what both teams have done.  Weaker opponents have been hammered and when we face good opponents, our kids still play great!  Hardin played great against Buna and Buna did the same against EC!  Good teams always rise to the top in the end, no matter who the opponents are!  Good luck Hornets, and keep playing hard!  Every team in the district knows you guys can play!  Good luck to my Coogs also!

    Sounds good to me, Coach!  Thanks for the kudos and your boys can play too!  Sounds like it was a doozy against EC...

  8. I can't believe that Hardin's QB, Jordan Nolan, is ranked in the area as one one the highest rated passers. Have they watched any Hardin games this year? I heard a rumor from someone I know in Hardin that some people in Hardin are actually thinking that he is gonna get a college scholarship for football. What are they putting in the water over there because these people really are crazy!!

    It doesn't matter if no one watched Hardin's games, Jordan Nolan, based on his season stats, would still qualify as one of the highest rated passers because there is a mathematical formula to determine passer rating.  He has over 2400 passing yards with 30 TDs and 6 INTs.  That accounts for a high passer rating coupled with his completion percentage (I believe that it is in the 60% range).   Makes me wonder how many sacks the other teams have put on Nolan...I bet you could put it in the single digits (that means under 10).  

  9. are you #9?? i heard the libero misplayed on of her hits and took it off the face and took a second to gather herself? is she #9>

    The libero is #3 and I did not see anyone take a hit to the face the other night.  However, Kaila did hit about 3-4 balls very hard, but they were perfect sets.  She is only effective when the set is just right.  IMO, the setter is not one of the better ones I've seen.  Even so, I think Kaila's forte is blocking.  When they played Hardin the other night, she was right in the mix for a block just about every time she was in front row. I want to guess that she got about 8 blocks that night.  What grade is she in?  Anyways, like someone else said she is a very good 2A hitter; I have seen better ones in the past, but she is probably the hardest hitter I've seen this year.

    On another note, did anyone watch the volleyball match between #1 Nebraska and #5 Texas on TV the other night?  Texas won in 3 straight, but the amazing thing is that Texas has a hitter (who also happens to be Texas' high jumper on the track team) that can reach 10 foot 10 inches on a vertical leap, according to the announcer.  I was not able to watch it b/c the channel had a Rockets game instead but I heard that she was basically hitting it over Nebraska's 6'5" middle blocker  en route to 17 kills for the match.  Wow :o

  10. revfaulk,

    Well, the thing about letting some things go to speed the game up doesn't make sense...If a player was called for a double hit infraction, play continues, but the other team has a point.  Think about it...with rally scoring, game goes a little faster if infractions were called b/c a team gets a point.  What is the point of having rules if you/official turn a blind eye to it?

    Also, what is the point of having 2-3 hr practices if you work endlessly on making sure your players play the game right and then an official lets a player get away with double-hitting or even a lift?  It doesn't really say much for the integrity of the game if minor rules/infractions are bypassed.  I know this is high school, but these ladies are on the step up to college and they need to know/realize that cutting corners on playing the game will ultimately cost them.

  11. Saw the Johnson girl yesterday and will say that if she has a great set from her setter, then she can really bring the hammer.  Just imagine what she could do with a really good setter.  Great blocker...probably better at that than hitting as she got quite a few blocks.  Some of her kill attempts went out of bounds but I can see her getting better.  I didn't see her throw a fit like 08Softball said, but her coach sure did by throwing her clipboard down really loudly when her player misplayed a ball.

  12. I see what you are saying...  However, rally scoring does make the game shorter.  Can you imagine not getting a point until you serve (sideout scoring) and get a point then.  A few years ago, we had the sideout scoring rule and games typically took 2 1/2 hrs to complete for just one match.

    The libero rule was brought down from the college ranks and this helps to prepare possible college players for a college style game so I am for that.

    But I do agree with you on the push/throws.  There are a lot of officials out there that don't really know the difference between a legit bump and a carry.  The one that really gets me is the setter double-hitting (hands hitting the ball like 1-2, instead of a simultaneous hit) on the set pass.  Another thing that gets me is that during the regular season, the linesmen (who call the lines) are typically recruited from the volleyball teams attending the match and I don't have a problem with that, but I do have a problem with them saying in/out when it is obviously the opposite in order to aid their own team.  Not saying it happens all the time, but it happens too much for my taste.

  13. yall all said that the ball was misplaced well let me tell you exactly how it went because one i was on the field and two cause i looked at it on the game tape.  it was 4th and 10. they went for it and when he caught it there was nobody around him so he spun backwards and i guess lost his balance and went out of bounds inches before the first down marker. then one player picks the ball up and moves it past the first down marker which should have been a flag but it wasnt. by doing that either way it would have been 4th and 15 and that is a long way for 1 down or as the ref called it turnover on down.

    well, on another thread, someone says it was Buna #3 who moved it, not a Hardin player.  Maybe this is a different 4th down play, but the one I am talking about happened in the 3rd quarter.  I didn't see anyone move the ball on the one I saw...  However, due to other circumstances, I had to leave and missed most of the 4th quarter.  Maybe it happened then??

  14. Just let it go.  I'll check the horses pulse.......yep it's dead.......I say good day!

    Runitup...go and read the post I made already (the one above yours) and read the next to last paragraph...  I typed "But all that is moot, Buna won...I am not disputing that."  I was just putting my 2 cents in and you gotta be rude.  >:(

    the only thing I was commenting on was that the officiating could have been better, but still do not dispute that Buna won outright...they are a very, very good running team and I wish them luck against EC.

  15. both of those calls were legit. a Hardin player on the line jumped and came inside and the Buna lineman moved to defend himself. That is a penalty for the defense. Look it up wherever u want. That catch was close but it doesn't matter where his foot is. the ball is spotted by where it is when the player steps out of bounds. the receiver had the ball in his left hand and it was on the inside of the first down marker. I'm pretty sure i had one of the best seats to see both of these plays.

    No, I have to disagree with you on that play b/c the player was holding the ball with both hands when his right foot went out past the 1st down marker (this was on the Hardin sideline) and he actually almost straddled the 1st down marker when the chain guy was a little late to drop it (like they are supposed to when a play comes that close to the sideline).  Now if he was holding it with both hands and almost straddled the marker, then it stands to reason that the ball should have been placed in the middle of the line demarcated by the 1st down marker (if your reasoning that the spot is determined by the ball and not the foot is correct) and it becomes 1st down Hardin.  I was almost directly across the track from that particular play.

    But all that is moot, Buna won...I am not disputing that... I am not pleased with some of the calls/spots the officials made, especially in that case.  Due to bad spotting, it was a turnover on downs for Hardin since that was a 4th down play.  You never know...that might have been the turnaround Hardin needed to maybe make another score and pull out an incredible comeback... ;D

  16. First of all that wasn't a late hit. And secondly I didnt say anything to that quarterback. And finally how am I the one hurtin when he was the one that flew to the track. If you ask me he was the one hurtin cuz he was pretty upset about gettin hit....maybe he should stay in the pocket where it's safe..

    Sounds like someone meant to put a OB hit on the QB while on/near the sideline...if not, you need to watch your choice of words... 

    How about your quarterback telling a Buna coach on the sidelines during the game "How you like that big boy" after completing a pass. I also heard that your HEAD COACH cussed a Buna PLAYER. # 3, while the officals were measuring to see if Hardin made a 1st down on a fourth down play, picked up the ball after it was spotted and moved it forward. I think the offical did not know what to call so he just moved the ball back to where it was.  When Hardin scored their 1st td # 1 mocked the Buna bench while down 28-6. Talk about no class..

    I know the play you are talking about, but Haynes didn't touch the ball at all...he just pointed to the spot past the 1st down marker and basically said, "It should be a first down..."  He never touched the ball at all...

    Just my 2 cents...alright...now lets stick to the topic like NedDog said...

  17. Well Kountze isn't exactly the team that backs down either. They always fight till the end. Kountze has the most heart i've ever seen. To me its kind of like a movie how bad they want it. Kountze does so much "TEAM" bonding its unreal.


    you just don't understand...granfan made the comment about Kountze has the heart and desire to win and I was just simply pointing out that so does Hardin.  I haven't heard one comment by a Kountze fan that says they are giving Hardin any respect except for maybe the one by aTm_1989 that the KTZ secondary better show up.  It seems like that KTZ is like "yeah, Buna done run over Hardin and we barely lost to Buna so we are going to beat Hardin, yeah, yeah..." 

    It doesn't matter what one team did against another team in the past, what matters is the Friday night.  It's like the movie says, except it is "Any Given Friday".  Let's keep the respect mutual and not one-sided.  Again I reiterate, the past doesn't matter, only the now....

    For those of you that still want to state their opinions based on past games ad nauseam, ehhh, I can't convince you anyways, b/c you are always right (in your own mind).

  18. No offense to the Hornets...just wanted to point out that a lot of Hardin fans predicted victory...this game was not close...please don't blame officials...just admit you got beat and get ready for Kountze...good luck, their defense is solid.

    I know we got beat and beat by the better team that night, and I am not blaming the officials as a whole, but some of the spotting could have been done better.  Of course, Hardin fans predicted victory because they are Hardin fans, not Buna fans. 

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