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Posts posted by Aggieallstar

  1. Roger. Just stop. Nothing you say makes sense or is even true. Kelly never has the "horses" that other teams do. Long wasn't there last year and the coaches tweaked his system and ran their own. The players they did have were decent players that the coaches worked hard to develop into good players. If you can only run one scheme as an offensive or defensive coach then that's not good. You better be able to adapt and run something that fits your players or will be effective against the team you are playing that week. The 3-4 is idiotic a Kelly. They don't have the down lineman to do it. 5 offensive lineman vs 3 dlineman. I wonder who will win that battle?
  2. Wow. Oak Hill. If they continue to recruit like that they should be competitive in all sports. I guess Kelly is changing. New coach. Recruit heavy. I'm anxious to see how this all works out in the upcoming years.  Back to topic. I hate to see a team that went to State with their own players, get beat the way they are getting beat this year. I really believe if Hartsfield and the staff would have stayed, it wouldn't be like this.
  3. Don't argue with roger korby. He knows talent when he sees it  He guaranteed Kelly beating West Sabine. So obviously West Sabine could beat most 3a schools and some 4a. They beat Kelly and Hemphill after all. Not to take anything from West Sabine , they are kicking butt and I hope they keep it up. They haven't played a decent team though. At the 4a and 5a level it takes more than 1 or 2 good players.
  4. There aren't any colt mccoys on West Sabines team. I had no clue West Sabine is like a Port Arthur Memorial over there. Lol West Sabine would get rolled by every 4a team around here, don't be silly.  It looks like Kelly and Sabine Pass would be a good game with the two great staffs they have. Coach Holmes has two weeks to prepare for a Bridge City team that lost everyone last year, so it should be a good game. I expect to see improvement.
  5. I think you are off on a few points. What 4a teams around here could west Sabine beat? They might be a good 1a but I doubt they could beat many 3as. 600 yards rushing to 150 total yards doesn't sound like good coaching. Being a decent player has nothing to do with coaching either. If that were the criteria, they would have kept Frank Middleton. He really played in the NFL, I couldn't find Kerry Bennett on any Redskins roster.
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