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Posts posted by Aggieallstar

  1. I agree with you puddin. I think it was a combination of good coaching in the middle school all the way through the high school. The talent level can vary but the kids always had quality coaches. I'm not trying to imply that they don't now, the coaches are new and time will tell. I will say that Kelly does have some good players there currently, the quarterback is very tough and talented and there are a few others.
  2. I would argue that the 07 and 08 team had better players than the 11' team. 07 for sure. The 09 and 10' team were very close to this team talent wise, but were never beat like this. Still a lot of football left to be played though. New coaches, kids and system. I agree it takes time, hopefully not 2 years to see improvement though. I know everyone is trying hard, good luck.
  3. Goodness  It's still early but a year or two of them getting beat like this will hurt the football team. They were finally getting the numbers up after Eskue left  Kelly used to have a freshman team, jayvee and varsity. Now they barely have a jayvee but the numbers were increasing. Two years of this and there will just be a varsity. It's early though, things could turn around. I hope they don't continue to get beat like this.
  4. Stats and results won't show it but they have some serious weapons on offense. Robert Mitchell could have been the best quarterback from Beaumont since Chip Ambres but he looks confused as well as the coaches. Unrealized potential. They get out coached. Defensively they are always sound.
  5. Beaumont, Port Arthur, and Orange has a ton of talent. Port Arthur realized there potential last year. W-OS is always good. Beaumont hasn't had a team make a run since the 90s and 80s. West Brook. Kelly in the 90s and last year  Central did won some playoff games a few years ago. Ozen last year but ozen hasnt been what everyone expected  maybe this new coach can keep it going  ozen and Central played good teams  Wait until district. It's still early. Central can be good, they always play good defense.
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