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Everything posted by hfveeder

  1. hf over memorial 6-4 OF over hf 10-5 hf over brookeland 13-1 overall 5-3 for season
  2. bc hands down. i'll even venture off to say they win ever district game this season
  3. if the indians pitch floores they win, its a scientific fact.
  4. hf played trashy baseball the entire tournament. didnt hit the ball against OF and paid for it. they ended up with 3rd beating brookeland 13-1.
  5. memorial is 5a. we played liked garbage tonight and got the v. i really wasn't that impressed besides that they did put the ball in play and speed on the bases.
  6. the game will be picked up right from where it ended at the bottom of the 1st, runners on 2nd an 3rd, morrison at the dish and 2 outs, score 3-2 liberty with lead. the game will be played on a thursday in next weeks liberty tournament at 7 or 730.
  7. sounds like a game of solid defense and pitching. either that or it was at the tball fields
  8. congrats on the win bucs but buc08, your signature seems a little too far fetched for anyone in their right mind to handle
  9. the game is in hamshire and we have a short porch in right. i think that could be a factor in tonights game. our sticks came alive in the lcm tourney and the defense has also come together. as hard hitter said though, any team, any night. we shall see who wants it more at the end of the seventh.
  10. im with bhfan as much as i wouldnt like to admit it. hj always plays good ball. might i add treece looked pretty descent agianst a tough lcm line-up. this game could go either way
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