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Everything posted by jdb44

  1. [quote name="H-D BOBCAT 55" post="1202961" timestamp="1332944065"] Coach Finney turned the Maud program around when he was there. Coach Finney had a record of 38-11 in 4 seasons at Maud, also two of his players from that team went on to start at TCU. Coach Finney has an average of 9-3 in last 5 years as Head Coach, 45-15 overall. Sounds like Coach Finney's great program and H-D's pride/tradition will be a great mix. My brother will be playing for him this year at 6'4 215lb/Sophomore, my son will be playing 7th grade this year 5'8 220lbs. [/quote] I am excited for you guys. I believe you will love him and his family. I remember playing HD a looooong time ago, hated to come to that place cause I knew it wasn't gonna be easy. I'm expecting good things. I bet Coach is there working today.
  2. Great News. Good luck Bobcats. Get ready to work, the wins will follow.
  3. You will like Coach. He understands tradition. He will not be out-worked.
  4. [quote name="goodtimes" post="1202092" timestamp="1332779567"] How many athletes did he have in the programs, if I am not mistake H-D only has about 30 boys total and not all play Football. [/quote] I can't say for sure, but when my son was a JR, we moved to Maud from Shepherd. His 1st two weeks in Maud he played on the JV team that had 12 players. I think that left about 17 on the Varsity. Coach Finney took 11 and 12 kids to JV games many times just so they could play, and play they did. Our two seasons with coach were the best. I remember what he told my son the 1st time we met him, "I can't guarantee how much you will play, but you are in for the time of your life". The 1st year there he didn't play a lot, but his Sr year he hardly came off the field, and he did have the time of his life. You guys are getting a good one.
  5. If that is correct, HD just got themselves a great coach and even better person. The kids will love him, and he will do a great job.
  6. [quote name="H-D BOBCAT 55" post="1201675" timestamp="1332604819"] YES!! Anybody that is a H-D Bobcat, has my support. I am a H-D Bobcat born and raised. I just hope the transplant H-D Bobcats pick the right guy.  ;) :-\ [/quote] Very good answer, I have been in your shoes of hoping many times.
  7. [i][b]I work in Safety Management, when we hire, we base it off of the persons resume. The resume shows the applicants experience, as well as the certifications the applicant has. After finding a well qualified and experienced applicant, we bring that person in for an interview. In that interview you will see if the applicants resume is just blowing smoke, or that he is the real deal. Family and friends should never be hired, it just don't work. (Drama). As a Manager I would always interview the best qualified person, especially one with a proven track record. If I didn't, I would be short changing my company and myself.[/b][/i] So, is this new guy going to have your support?
  8. So I looked at the list of applicants for this job, there are some really good coaches on that list. My question is this, what if the decision makers hire a guy that some of you guys have not heard of, or thought of? What kind of support does he get?
  9. That sound about right. But what people aren't taking into consideration is this, he coached in Tarkington, and Livingston, both bad programs at the time. Plus he has worked under Rowe for what the past 5 years? Hardin got a good one. Walter will do a great job.
  10. It happened, my son played for him his Jr and Sr season. In Livingston.
  11. Walter was the HC in Livingston in, and I can't remember, either 2003 or 2004.
  12. Walter coached my son in Livingston, and had he been given time, he would have been successful there. He has also coached the past few years in Livingston with Coach Rowe. Walter is a great guy and very good coach.
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