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Everything posted by SHSsccr12

  1. my college is in jacksonville and i have heard the Whitehouse was supposed to be a HUGE powerhouse around here.... guess not
  2. Thanks for the backing Reid. Everyone from silsbee will agree that Ricky (our AMAZING goalie) was a huge loss, but hardly any of them will agree that i was a loss??? iunno why... but silsbee lost alot of talent, I think 5 starting seniors, and with no one really to replace them, left them hurting pretty bad. there is a small core of players that i imagine are the ones producing what results have come up lately and all of them will be back next year! P.S. silbee might be not good this year but next year...
  3. 1. i really like this proposal it will give teams more time to prepare and even things out alot. 2. 3a needs a district to themselves. silsbee would have made it to state, probably to play palistine. and hj and wos would have a more competitive schedule. 3. i play in college now at lon morrs we lost to san jacinto 2-0 (both goals were bogus p.k.s) then turned around to beat t.j.c. three days later 2-1. both were ranked #3 in the nation when we played them. now our region tournament is coming up in a week and we play both of them again. upsets are always possible... thats what makes tournaments so fun. sure one of the top three teams are going to take it, but you never really know
  4. good job guys it seems like joe finally got yall in shape
  5. im going to play for lon morris if they give me a scholarship and if i dont get enough from them im going to try to play at ut tyler
  6. thanks for the good word about me.... i had 28 goals and closer to 15 assists.... now silsbee is an awesome 3a team but if i had played for a team like lumberton or vidor i would have been right under yea-yea if not with him... im just sad i never got to play in a 3a district > - joe #12
  7. yay a twenty second goal, oooo and hj allmost beat us..... it was a great finish by ian but show some good sportsmanship and dont degrade people all the time
  8. yea, it made me mad because you cant see me hit it on tape :'(
  9. i can say that my left footed volley from chads cross is my proudest goal by far this year
  10. silsbees keeper is playing select with us, sssc 89-90 so jlamar you should get to see him out at the medows with all your players too.
  11. Silsbee is not as bad of a team as everyone thinks. The only reason we lost the first two games as bad as we did was because we havent played together alot and we didnt have the players we have now. vidor played a good game i think they just underestimated us.
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