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Posts posted by SETEXFan

  1. All of you guys doubting the coaches at Dayton are ridiculous.  The defense that we send out on the field is basically made up of good JV players with the exception of about 4, 2 of those being secondary kids.  There is not one coach in America that can make a tackle for a kid.  All a coach can do is coach the kids to be in a good spot to make the play, then guess what, that kid has to make a play.  Dayton does tackling drills everyday just like every high school team in Texas.  The kids are working hard there is just not a whole lot to work with on the defensive side of the ball.  They will have to grow up and it may not be this year.  They are getting in better positions each week, now it is just a matter of taking the coaching and wrapping up and hanging on until help gets there!!!

  2. You're right, I don't but I know it has nothing to do with football and coaching these kiddos.

    [quote name="bronco pride" post="1071724" timestamp="1317564225"]
    Wow I thought this was a football forum. Never said I knew everything about football but I have seen enough games to know when something doesnt work and besides you made my point for me the team went to this offense when they had a group of kids in 2007 that had a lot different skill set than these kids. You should be glad that people actually care enough to voice their oppinions on a forum like this and just for the record you have no idea what I do or have done for a living.
  3. I am glad you probably watch dials and listen for warning signals at a plant because it is easy to see you know very little about that play or this great game.  That play is part of a triple option play that was put in in 2007, way ahead of the college teams that are running it now.  The hottest offenses in college, Clemson, Oregon, make a living running that form of triple option.  If you were in the I formation and you ran a toss sweep and it averaged 5 yards a play you would run it every play.  If you were in the wishbone and the fullback averaged 5 yards a play on the dive you would be thrilled, well you might not because you know very little about the game.  It is easy to sit behind your computer and criticize a head coach, a coordinator, or program, but you know very little about what makes things happen on Friday night. Be proud of these kids, and coaches for making Friday nights interesting, and making your town a major program across this state.

      [quote name="Hawkeye" post="1071244" timestamp="1317502332"]
    [quote author=bronco pride link=topic=89136.msg1071136#msg1071136 date=1317495405]
    We have a play I would like to  see put on the shelf. It seems like we run it 4 or 5 times a game. We ran it in the game against bh when we had a chance to win the game and it just doesnt work like it did when we had aj, payton or even baldwin its like our go to play and it doesnt work
    I second the motion to formally retire the bubble screen!!!! Even though it is usually good for 3-7 yards. Just gets tiresome.
  4. Isn't BHFAN always talking about the other sports as well?  Guess what, the volleyball team from Dayton beat the Hill, in the Hill's own gym.  Be careful what you ask for.  Just like Crosby, enjoy your year for football.  But the rest of the sports we will see, seems like the dominance is falling.....
    Good job Lady Broncos!!!!
  5. [quote name="PNGFan" post="1062677" timestamp="1316717168"]
    I was sitting here wondering IF the Eagle beat the Broncos, the irrogant Bronco fans on here would hide and eat their crow with class. Then I answered myself. NO they want!!! They have to big of a attaction for Barbers Hill for some reason. By reading the post on here week end and week out you would think Dayton plays Barbers Hill every week.

    Go Eagles!!!!!!!!!
    PNG Fan... We got plenty to go around for the Indians if you want some.  We had a lot of fun whipping your team.  You must have a short memory.  Last two games with Y'all had combined score of 75 to 7 (or 14).
  6. You are right.  Price did a great job of mentoring those kids over there, but that was not good enough for you all.  Winning, putting kids in school, having a complete athletic program.  Man, it is hard to work for the Hill when you do a great job with what you are given... Gage has proved nothing yet at the Hill.  He has graduated one class and that class was raised by Coach Price.  The jury is still out on Gage and his impact on Barbers Hill.

    [quote name="BHFAN" post="1062574" timestamp="1316705630"]
    Not taking cheap shots at kids!These kids have since graduated and are men now 8) The comment was made about the coaches teaching by example at BH. Well I'm just saying our football players are not turning into Criminals or lack the eductaion to pass a college course! Our coaches and staff and community at BH do lead by example which would explain why we compete in everything that the UIL can offer and then some. Don't care if you like Gage, BH or not just stating the facts 8)

    walking away from soap box while mooning ;D
  7. True for a team that lines up 7 yards behind the snapper, but there are teams that align 5,6,8 yards behind the snapper and that is why for statistical purposes you had 10 yards to the spot of the kick.  That way you you do not care how deep the holder is from the snapper when the ball is kicked.  No Ned for algebra when simple math will do...

    .[quote name="JARobinson" post="1059078" timestamp="1316276743"]
    Actually SETEXfan, you take where the line of scrimage is and add 17yrds to that. 10yrd from the end zone to the goal post and then the holder lines up 7yrds behind the line of scrimage so a ball on the 20yrd line would be considered a 37yrd field goal.
  8. The ball was kicked from the 36 yard line, add 10 and it equals 46 yard field goal. 

    [quote name="liltex" post="1058836" timestamp="1316234369"]
    Barnicle needs to fire da stats reporter.Good lawd they have Ike w more yds???????????Have Carranco w/a 46 yd fg when he kicked from the 45-a 55 yd fg.Next got Carranco w/1 punt for 117 yds.Dayton mauled Ike tonight then gets complacent w/8 min left and goes out of the game plan to rushing right up the middle and slacking on defense.2nd week in a row the last 8 min has not been pretty.Plenty of eye witnesses tonight got to see Carranco send a kickoff thru and over the goal post.As for da ant mound,well it could get ugly again ::) ::) ;) ;D
  9. That would be great but if you are from Dayton, the fans have become very spoiled and complacent sitting in the stands. They come to the game as something to do on Friday night until the playoffs get here.  Beside the 3 or 4 regular posters in here the fans in Dayton are very fair weather. This team has a new head coach, new defensive coordinator, new offensive coordinator and some very inexperienced kids playing and they need everyone in the stands to be loud and to believe in them.  Every team is a different group and should be celebrated, not compared to last year's team or the team from 2008, 2007, or 1998.  These kiddos are putting their pride on the line every Friday night for this town and they deserve for us to give them our best in the stands as well.
  10. Very good post.....

    [quote name="broncoman" post="1053983" timestamp="1315663319"]
    Great football game between two teams that will be playing football when most schools are breaking out the round balls. When you match two teams of this caliber up this early in the season, it only helps both teams. Congrats to the Wildcats on a great game and good luck the rest of the year. As for the Broncos, when I sit and watch our team scratch and claw and give everything they have out on that field, its only makes me that much more proud to be a bronco fan.
  11. Then you did not pay attention to the way they punted last year.  It is the same scheme they used then.  Juan got right after his older brother got on his butt. 

    [quote name="liltex" post="1053837" timestamp="1315634808"]
    Congrads to Angelton ,the Wildcats came back strong in the 4th qtr.and did what they needed to do.We had our shots and came up short.JD and McBride played ,but far from 100% w/41 rush yds between them.That hurt us by not being able to run and eat up the clock.Herrera was outstanding tonight throwing for 29/43/0=292 yds.I do not like the new style of punting they have Carranco trotting a few steps sideways and punting,has his timing way off=39 yds on 2 punts=19.5 yds per giving Angleton great field pos.to go up quick 14-0.On the onside kick I didn't see a fair catch signal.A great game to watch sometimes you don't get the breaks.
  12. What a huge game that will pay dividends later in the season.  Great character builder for the kids and coaches.  I could not be more proud to be a Bronco this morning.  The defense rose up when they needed to and the offense made plays.  That is what you do as a team.  Not everything was pretty or perfect, but it rarely ever is in this game.  We have 2 weeks to work and get better on the short comings and to get the kids well that are injured.  Is going to be another exciting season for the Broncos.
  13. Someone from Barbers Hill is really going to let this uneducated child get on here and talk about Barber's Hill education prowess with the mistakes in this young man's paragraph.  Not that I am going to be the grammar or spelling police, because I am no where near perfect, but if you are going to come on the board and talk about your education being better you better have all of your t's crossed, your i's dotted, sentences beginning with a capitol and at least know how to use the correct form of their, there, they're.  Get back in class son.

    [quote name="maddog56" post="1031666" timestamp="1312504257"]
    [b]w[/b]hat i cannot understand is how the ponies team is still able to play with [font=Verdana]there[/font] grades. [b]b[/b]arbers [b]h[/b]ill shouldn't have been in 4 a for a while we barely had enough kids when we got moved into it. [b]t[/b]ake some of the ponies kids and take[b]s[/b] some of the bh kids and make them take the same test and you will see bh is better. [b]w[/b]e have lives outside [u][b]of[/b][/u] the gym [u][b]and[/b][/u] we train and study hard. [b]w[/b]e don't just get a slap on the back if we do not have good grades. [b]i[/b]f you go and actually look at last years team there was about at most 7 seniors that started. bh had a young team. [b]t[/b]he team should be better this year with most of the starters returning.
  14. Dayton's academics are closer to Barber's Hill academics than the Hill's football team is to Dayton's.  Dayton missed being recognized by 1% of one sub-pop, a 79% in math and the required number was 80%.  With the kind of numbers that Dayton has in that sub-pop that equates to about one to two students.  Dayton's teachers and administration deserve a congratulations for where they have come in less than 2 years.  One thing that is interesting enough is that Barber's Hill does not have to count one of their sub-pops because they do not have enough to be counted.  Hmmmm, I wonder what sub-pop that is???  Also Dayton educates a student population that is 45% Economically Disadvantaged, Barber's Hill has a Econ. Disadvantage population of 15-17%.  Hard to compare apple to oranges and that is what Dayton and Barber's Hill are when comparing student populations....But, no one can tell how rich you are, what color you are or what language you speak when that helmet comes on, and when you compare that, there is a clear cut winner.....How 'bout them BRONCOS!!!!!
  15. Hey everyone, a fan from Barbers Hill was right on something.  I was wrong on the turnovers.  Now as for the rest of the comment, if Barbers Hill runs the same defensive scheme this year they will have another 54 put on them. But look on the bright side, your envy of Dayton got you a new field. 
  16. I can assure you I am way more informed on this game than you are. 

    [quote name="BHFAN" post="1027313" timestamp="1311338799"]
    [quote author=B.M.F. link=topic=84732.msg1027142#msg1027142 date=1311287777]
    Nice. That cut deep didn't it eagle fans?!? It sucks when the truth is dropped on you. Awesome

    No truth just another ENVY post by an uniformed Daytonite ;D Followed by a cheer leader post 8)
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