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Everything posted by bb88

  1. Man. Coach of the year had to be a tough choice. I thought Jeff might get it with everything Vidor went through and keeping them together and making playoffs after being picked 7th.Not saying  Neumann is not deserving too, just saying it must have been a tough choice.
  2. I totally agree. Real football people know an offense is only as good as it's linemen and though these definitely are not the biggest they do get after you every single play. I love giving these guys credit because they take a pounding every single play all game long and never get their name called over the loud speaker, but they keep doing the dirty work and thats what unselfish teammates do. But I do know that coaches give them the credit in the locker room they deserve which is what most of these high school kids want, a little love from the men they look up to.
  3. [quote name="NDNation" post="1098769" timestamp="1319895434"] I think we all know what that sign meant...and Vidor knew exactly how we we would interpret it....but its all good. Glad we had an injury free game....One of the best games I have seen this season! [/quote]You can believe what you want to believe that is your right but our team and community lost a friend and a teammate last week and really still are not over that. The sign could have said real men pray, but someone probably would have said that was not right, but please stop thinking everything has to do with ya'll. I think that would not be allowed by Mathews or his wife who is the cheerleader sponsor. Maybe some some on here feel a little defensive for some reason. Hmmm 
  4. [quote name="GoDogs27" post="1086688" timestamp="1318922780"] Announcement for all Mid-County residents: Tea time will be at 4pm tomorrow followed by a wine tasting at the yacht club. This is exclusively for Nederland or PNG fans only! No uneducated, poor country people allowed. Give me a break dude. I've got more "country" in me than you have in your pinky toe. If you think MC is the poster child for rich, snooty people, then that proves your ignorance right there. Watch your mouth before you open it and make ignorant comments. We may be a lot more educated over here, but I worked hard, went to college, and got a good job because of it. I worked a full-time job through college as well. I still live paycheck to paycheck and drive a 10 year old truck. I'm proud to be from Nederland but it's not because we are rich and snooty. To other Vidor fans: I won't hold this one idiot against you. [/quote] Ok well I understand why you said most of his, but why do you think ya'll are more educated over there. Pretty sure Vidor schools have pretty close to the same types of scores as Nederland schools and I, too went to college and got a degree while working a full time job and I live in Vidor in a house built on a slab...  imagine that. But you're calling this person ignorant for his statement which it was, but in my opinion your statement of being more educated is also. That would make you ignorant and a hypocrite all in the same statement.       
  5. [quote name="aries456" post="1085765" timestamp="1318832539"] As a Vidor fan, I think there 3-4 people on here, who I won't name names that give us/the team a bad rep... And they drive me crazy. [/quote]As new to this site I agree there are a few from each town that ruin it for all the others. Most people from Vidor know what we have to do to get respect...win consistently and beat the teams that do. Please don't lump all as what the town believes just like I don't think all mid county people are rude and cocky although some come off that way.
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