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Posts posted by cards_mom

  1. I do believe you have just given yourself away................you are one of the people that choose to go to high school football games and criticize the "kids" playing the game................you probably never were good enough to play, so you satisfy yourself with the pathetic name calling of those who are good enough to suit up.  Get a life.

  2. No, I did not see it anywhere there....................and I read it several times just to be certain.  And I have to say, I do watch sports all the time with my boys, and have never heard anyone use that term.  And I do believe that this post was in reference to a high school football team, full of young men, and I think it was utterly classless to refer to them as that.  Like I said, mine, nor any other player on that team should be called that, no matter how much they get ran over or lose.  If this person is a parent.....................well, I will just leave that unsaid!

  3. im sorry but i went to that lumberton and bc game and it was pathetic lumberton ran all over them bc is just not bc anymore they are pretty much  even though hj isnt a powerhouse either they are going to win they just have too many guns

    Garbage??????  I beg to differ with you, my son and every other Cardinal on that team are not garbage.  And yeah Lumberton did run over them, the team is very young and inexperienced, but they never give up and will certainly learn from this year and come back strong in the next several years to come.  So get a little class and don't call anyone garbage.

  4. Ok, you don't have to wait too long,lol!  This is my perception of a football, baseball, basketball coach.  The best players make the team, the rest learn to try again and that not everyone that goes out for a team makes one.  When under the coaches care (games and practices) the coach gets the undivided attention of the player and no parents are allowed to line the practice field with lawn chairs or to call their kid to the side during a game.  No one allowed in the locker rooms but coaches and players, period.............oh, and the team pastor if there is one.  If there is a problem, they are addressed in a set up time with the coaches in the athletic office and still the coach has the final decision on who fields his team, regardless of who or what you are.  I as a woman do believe that the fairness and everyone plays thing should only work through jr. high, and then the best athletes play the game.  Having said that, no, I don't think I would coach, due to the fact that with the above rules, I wouldn't last long, lol!  

  5. whoa card mom- I'm not sure why you are attacking me or so mad about this topic.  But I do not know your kid or his abilities I just thought less personal posts could be made.  I did back up my comments  just a few examples-


    Just one more thing before I shut up...................how can you say you don't know me or my kid and I should post less  personal posts when in the next paragraph you called him by name.  I don't believe I have called any names, but you did.  Just wanted to point that out to you as I think you may need to practice what you preach.

  6. whoa card mom- I'm not sure why you are attacking me or so mad about this topic.  But I do not know your kid or his abilities I just thought less personal posts could be made.  I did back up my comments  just a few examples-



    also in baseball-- post dated June 22  and June 7  and june 24  and June 25

    I have sense learned that your boy switched positions himself to receiver not QB  and is actually doing well.

    No hard feelings were meant by this post originally.  Again I want the team including baseball to excell.

    But this is not the place to have these heated debates, I fear we have ventured off the original thread and topic.

      Again good luck to your kid and I hope that this ends this debate.  also glad luke did well at A&M  also if he wants to be QB then do so, there places on JV & Varsity, nothing is set in stone.    Good Luck and I hope this ends this mess

    Yes, the mess is over.  But you did call me out to begin with.  And perhaps my post should have been worded in a different way.  I just felt like the receivers were being pointed out as to why BC has not done well in 7 on 7.  And I think my point I was trying to make was that they all need alot of work to the person that directed the problem at the receivers.  But nevertheless, I apologize if you felt like I was directing it at one person, I was not.  And I felt like I should defend myself as you said I always posted in every sport that nothing was my kids fault.  Still not sure what you mean by that, and if you know of

    "something" that is directly his fault, please pass that on to me. 

    So, in ending, I want all the boys to do good, play as a team and though they are young, I think with good hard work, they will be okay.  And this has absolutely nothing to do with any position my kid, your kid or anybody's kid plays.  Hopefully, we have very able bodied coaches to figure all that out and put them where they need to be.  And I don't care where my son plays, he just wants to play and I have nothing at all to say where or when he will play.  And, no, I don't want him to be qb, not if he cannot handle that position and it is not what is best for the team.  So if it is Luke at that position and he cannot do what he needs to do, I certainly don't want him playing there.  And I don't think he would want to.  And yes, he did very well at

    A&M camp and got to play on Kyle field, and got a lot of good coaching to go with all the fun. 

    Good Luck young Cardinals...........QB's, receivers, backs, linemen and so on. 

  7. cards mom--

    whoa there, I meant no disrespect.  I have no dog in the fight.  It's just by going by all your previous posts in all catagories (football, baseball etc.) that it seems there is always an issue with ---players, younger players, coaches or other parents.

    No on seemed to blaming any particular position on this thread but you.

    If I hit a nerve with YOU I am so sorry, like I said I have no dog in this fight.

    I really want the team to do good this year, and remember 7 on 7 IS good practice for all with all to improve for the season,  I just thought a little less personal comments could be made.

    Again good luck to your son and team and again I'm sorry if I hit a sensitive subject with you.  Truly good-luck

    And my response to you was to your statement to the fact that nothing was ever my kids fault no matter what sport or organization.  And I asked that you show me any post to where I said something was someone elses fault and not my son's.  You did not so here we are.  I was responding to a post about the receivers not being able to catch the ball.  Is that not directed at someone directly...............yep, the receivers, and my post was that it was not just their fault, if you did not understand that.  And my son was one of the qb's I was referring to that made some bad throws, according to him as I did not make it there in time to see him at that position.  So my post was also directed at him so you are very mistaken when you accuse me of saying in any sport that it's always someone else.  Yes, I feel like he is an exceptional athlete, and I will say that because I feel like he has a

    God given talent and as a parent I have that right.  You may not think he does, but I really don't give a heck.  And to say that I have been downing anyone, I think you are mistaken.  I responded to a post about him in baseball, but did not down any player that plays.  I think I said in response to someone who knows him about how well he plays behind the plate and so on, and that he will probably not be playing baseball due to several reasons, but never have I downed another kid.  So whatever you want to think, I really don't think it matters.  You spouted off and couldn't back it up.  I truly want the team to do well and perhaps you would be happy if I said if they don't it'll be my "kids fault".  Not sure what you meant by that but as usual, I probably won't get a response to that either.  And I truly apologize for hitting a nerve with YOU also. 

  8. card mom- 

      it seems like it is never your kid's fault, no matter the sport or organization.  not judging but maybe you could have posted that ALL positions need work.  let's hope they all improve with time.

    Well, Mr. Rowdy Red, I don't know what your problem is with me, but as a matter of fact, my kid did qb some in the game and I do believe that I said that they all needed work, qbs and receivers.  You maybe should read my post, my statement was that don't point the finger at certain positions because they all looked like they needed work.  And please explain what you mean by it is never my kids fault?  If you are going to make a statement like that, be big enough to back it up.  And please show me where I think mine is perfect.  Did I hit a nerve with you by saying that our qb is not perfect and that it was all the receivers fault?  And no, mine is not perfect, but neither are any of the others as you might wish they were.

  9. I'm pretty sure he's not a player. These guys are young, and inexperienced. Not to mention, the coaches don't coach 7 on 7. The kids are pretty much coaching themselves, when the coaches get a hold of them, things will improve dramatically.

    Lets hope not..................................they don't need a bunch of "me's", but alot of "we's" to make a team.  I think they may do just fine when the coaches get to actually coach them, and they are young, but hopefully that's a plus with learning a new offense.  And it has to be very hard for a coach to watch 7 on 7 without getting involved, lol.  I bet some of them could "bust a gut" to jump in with both feet when they see some of what happens.  And to the Card person, I will mark down your 3 games you say they may win.  I personally think they will rise to the occasion and do better than that.  We will see......................keep working hard guys, it's gonna pay off down the road!  Go Cards!

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