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Status Updates posted by outanup

  1. First off, thanks to you and the staff for all you do. Never have I messaged you or any other admin with a complaint or issue. I do my best to stay within the rules, yet it seems the rules dont apply to all. It appears that Buddy Garrity can name call and do as he pleases...However when it is done to him the threads are locked and the post's disappear. This is all in fun, and isnt taken personally on this end. With that being said anytime I or anyone else yanks his chain or gets a jab in he whines to whomever and everyone's posts that offend him are cherry picked and vanish. I have no problem with BG or anyone else on the board...But let us all get our above the belt jabs in equally. Once again, thanks....

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. outanup


      If you say so...


    3. WOSgrad


      HEY!  How about this suggestion! Stop with the back and forth.  At this point, it is accomplishing nothing except for taking my time from VASTLY more important tasks and PISSING ME OFF!!!  It will soon get to a point where *I* will go to Jordan Wilson, the board owner.  And gentlemen, I can assure you that if I go to Jordan in a pissed off mood than it won't be very good for either of you here.  So let's cut it off here.  Buddy, your and bud so please do as you promised and its good.  outanup, we have always been cool and I assure you that any complaints have been addressed.  We got it? We clear? Good.

    4. AggiesAreWe


      Thanks Todd. Tired of reading this mess on my personal status.

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