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Posts posted by Soccerfreak

  1. What's Done is Done, they cant go back and change that,

    lcm learn how to play respectful.....geez.....u dont humiliate a team like that...show some class

    You don't humiliate a "team like that" ? You realize that statement in its self is  humiliating right, From my interpertation you're saying they arent even worth playing, Pot calling the Kettle black here.

    As far as I've heard there was no Disrespect or Lack of class, yeah they Beat a team into the ground, It happens they didnt go in there starting fights and calling names, Maybe they Demoralized a team a little bit, It happens.  When I play and my team is against the weaker team My coach tells the team "If you dont have the guts to go for the Jugular, Get off my field" Maybe LCM's Coach has the Same Philosophy.  It's one thing when a team is down from injuries  and people not showing up But i dont think this was the case.

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