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Everything posted by PoppaBearstarr

  1. Maybe the Hawk hecklers will be in full force tonight, can't wait to see and I'm going to have to make some other games to get a more braud perspective.
  2. I admire your courage to put that up there cat22, anything is possible, and best of luck to you, but HJ by 24.
  3. u r right tiger there are deffinately some kids from silsbee that deserve to be up there, I don't know their names so give them some of your picks.
  4. If we are talking all time I have to agree with jmay lincoln fans were ruthless. louder than I have ever seen.
  5. Evadale has the nicest i've seen so far, purely from a fan prospective. I've seen silbee's and barbers hill still evadales is the nicest to me.
  6. Who has the nicest gym in the area?
  7. I do not know about this year, but I was amazed last year of the following WH had for such a small school, they do have good fan support. The student section for HJ is the loudest I've seen yet, but I think they got in trouble by one of the refs at the BBH tourney and they let it get to them, they aren't as loud as they were at the first of the year. They might have had someone say something to them, I don't know???? Most people who play them hate to hear the student section and always complain to the school becuase of their constant taunting, but it is usually a lot less than you would hear at most college games, I would hate to see the complainers to go to a A & M game as a visitor, they would really be mad. I'm all for school spirit I think it's great to see people drive over an hour away to support their school.
  8. I say hardin by 11, sorry warren but I've seen both of you play. I hit the HJ game on the head lets see how I do with this one...........
  9. Does the bear cave crazy's follow the team or are they just when you play at home.
  10. I cant agree more with setxslam, big WOO played great, I'm not sure if he even missed a bucket, lots of hustle from everyone.
  11. Who has the best fans in the area, give me your opinions.
  12. List looks good, some of the kids I haven't seen play yet, but Ive heard about them. Dont forget about Trey Burrell from Hardin Jefferson he's just a sophmore but deffinately deserves to be up there.
  13. They are good don't let anyone fool you, when they are rollin they are hard to beat.
  14. good job stangs, looking forward to the HJ game at your house, it's always a great game.
  15. O.K. I don't like crow, But I'm sure it will be HJ WOS Silsbee in no particular order. Any time any of these teams play you are in for a great game. All of the Teams are well coached. I know Silsbee beat HJ by 19 the other night but the score was a little deceptive. they were only down by 8 with 3 min to go and silsbee did a great job down the strech hitting free throws. It was a great game as well as the WOS and Silbee game and HJ and WOS game, I just don't want miss any of those games when they come around the second time. Good luck to all of the teams...except when they play HJ.....
  16. Dewayne Durley HJ 20 points 12 boards and several shot blocks
  17. You are the man SPINKS, could not have said it better myself. HJ has always had a strong basketball program and everyone knows it. It's not like Sutherland came to a poor program, He did a great job in Kountze and We know he will do the same with HJ.
  18. ;)Oh dang did I hit it on the head....I'm buying a lotto ticket tonight.
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