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Posts posted by PNG1992

  1. Does Coach Faircloth have a helmet made up like what they will use this year and if so does anyone have a picture of it? I'd like to get a pic sent to the texas helmet project to get the 2009 helmet made for the helmet forum.

    no pics but its been said they're designed the same as TCU's but instead of the horned frog itll have the indian head pictured below, and obviously the "TCU" will be replaced with "PNG"


  2. so why is LCM last?

    You think Ozen is the only team they can beat?

    A simple suggestion...Drop the BOJO crap and people will take you more serious. That was a horrible rip off idea from a horrible coach and is seen as down right laughable by the folks on this board and around the GT. You guys have a new coach with a new attitude and should be moving forward in the future.

    A new coach who tore down all the bojo crap...what i don't understand is why everyone is taking PNG seriously what do they have that would hint anything better than last year, unlike LCM. 

    they've looked exceptional in spring practices and now 7 on 7 games. I think that's probably where the excitement is stemming from. 

  3. The GOAT wanted to see a Titan/ Indian match up.

    me too.

    Both teams are scheduled to participate in Port Arthur on Thursday (i think) so hopefully we'll get that matchup. They both looked very good in the 7 on 7 format tonight.  

    BTW..I spoke with Kenny after the games tonight and I mentioned how nice a Port Arthur/Port Neches predistrict game would be. He said after next season they'll have to fill schedules again and he'll be doing his part to make that happen. He thinks it would be great for the community, and the teams not having to schedule teams from Houston or further away.

  4. I read on the PNG Spring Game thread you either play/attend or are a fan of Memorial HS. I was wondering how the team is adjusting to Kenny and the new coaches. Has he changed many things at Memorial and what are you guys expecting for the upcoming season?

    He was an awesome player in his day and was always a nice guy and I'm pulling for the Titans to play well for him.

    Any comments are appreciated.

  5. Secondary was a little weak but they'll get better with that DC they have.

    a couple of the guys from the baseball team play in the secondary so it should improve when they get more practice time.

    Speaking of which...How much practice time did DeRon actually get?

    I saw him at the Sat practices I attended. He couldnt have had more than 3/4 practice days before the spring game.

  6. PNG1992 I respect ur post most of the time but you just went crazy for a second.

    Im from Lumberton and I know its not a top flight job. Pays less than anyone in the area. Your coaches are also lowest payed so you are always losing or potentially losing coaches. Facility's are horrible and the school board and administration are not helping  you out. Lumberton is still one of the smallest 4As in the state. Last time they turned in 1064 and the talent is just not very good to be honest.

    PNG should be on the list but probably around #5.

    Dayton should be #1 because the pay is excellent for coach and staff. They have very nice facility's and the Superintendent is fully behind the program. Dayton is loaded with players every year and play in a District that will keep them fully stocked with District Titles for years to come. Oh and Football has no equal in that school

    West Brook should be 2. I know BISD pays well and West Brook is getting just about any kid they want in Beaumont so they are loaded with Talent year in and year out. Facilitys arent all that so thats why I put Dayton ahead of them.

    West Orange Stark. They havent lost a district game since moving down to 3A. not sure on pay but the fact that they hold on to most of their coaches means that they most likely pay well. Talent out of the wazoo. Why the heck havent yall done more in the playoffs is the big question but I know that its a great place to coach. Facilitys arent bad ethier

    Nederland. From the coaches I know there they say they love it. They get the facility s they want and they pay very well. Its just a matter of time before they get turf. Talent wise they arent always the most talented but the kids there think they are suppose to win most of the time so that always helps. and they are a bigger 4A so they have alot of kids to pick from

    PNG. PNG is a very good paying place. They used to say that their was never a job opening there because people never left. They're facilitys are fantastic too. They have a good number of kids just like nederland so they have alot of kids to pick from. Talent wise they are like Nederland. Problem with the place is the fans are unrealalistic but hey they dont know football so if you can stay away from the msg boards as a coach then your ok.

    Thanks for respecting my post but that is just my opinion. I think your list is a very good one but it all depends on what the candidate is looking for. If they're looking to parlay their high school HC job into a potential future college position WB would most likely move up on my list.

    WO-S is a very attractive job but because of their strong history of winning and the talent they have every season but Id personally prefer a 4A or 5A school over a 3A...just a personal preference.

    Lumberton may be in the position you stated now but if Credeur keeps winning and the program brings money to the district things should probably change. The city is still growing and they will not be one of the smaller schools in 20-4A much longer. I expect more of what we've seen from the Raiders the last two seasons more than what we used to see from them.

    Nice topic DickVitale.

  7. we're talking about the job opportunity here, not how dominant the schools have been. Yes WO-S and Newton are awesome programs run by great coaches but that's not what the question was. WO-S numbers are slowly falling. Just 15 years ago they were an avg size 4A HS, now a small 3A. Newton as good as they are is still a 2A program. Give me the 4A-5A jobs that have growth in their areas.

    This is not intended to be a knock on any of the smaller schools its just my preference. Why do you think Alvarez applied for the LCM job this offseason?? Not because its currently a better football program than Kirbyville.  

  8. Im biased but:

    1. PNG- not a 5A school but still a large 4A, great fan support, facilities are top notch, play in a great district and pays well.

    2. Lumberton- not an overall winning tradition but growing and growing fast. nice area and community supports the team. A very attractive local job now.

    3. Nederland- look up

    4. West Brook- 5A school that will have a great facility in a near future. Loads of talent through the system but loses a little luster with the amount of travel for district games and having to share with two other schools. 

    5. Dayton- Nice facilities, tons of talent, nice area near SETX and Houston.

    6. LC-M- Laugh if you want but if the right coach gets the kids to come play football that could be a great job. They have a nice stadium, the area is nice, and the numbers are there for them to compete with the right coach.

  9. If I were Nederland ISD Id take my chances of upgrading the restroom & concession stands at Bulldog Stadium before installing FieldTurf or a new press box. The grass at Bulldog Stadium is always beautiful and Im with James when it comes to spending 1.8 on a pressbox.

    I much prefer real grass over Field Turf. 

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