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Posts posted by Gabe

  1. Two things I took from the game tonight:

    1. The Jasper coach is a great coach. I sat right next to him on the scorers table and he never quit coaching and ALWAYS complimented the players on a good play and hardly ever talked down to them. Good things will come for Jasper.

    2. I always knew this but it really sank in tonight, even though OF may not win every game they are always prepared. There has never been a game I have seen where the Lady Cats are not ready to play or don't show up. That speaks to their hard work and believing in the system put in place. Playing hard 100% of the time goes a long way in producing success and OF is by far on the right track.

  2. Most print media, and some TV, cant cover a whole area the size of southeast Texas. PA wont do much on OF and deweyville while we do..Beaumont cant cover the same schools but we do...we cant cover beaumont and silsbee while those two can do more than we can...its a give or take where you are located...Silsbee is 45 mins from orange...the big news was earl for our readers. i cant imagine (and wont allow myself to imagine) if we would have led the story with the silsbee player and not earl...i wouldnt show up to work the next day...we did bold the player on the list and did the same for the 4a one for a player from BH and ozen...sorry we cant do more, wish we could cover everyone from here to dallas but my brain couldnt keep up

  3. Someone tell Granger, since I didnt get a chance to, that Im glad she is ok. That was scaring looking since it was right in front of me and it was good to see her get back in there.

    AND, let me say how nice it was to receive a Christmas card from the lady cats. Always my favorite thing when players say hello and things of that nature. Not too many do it when a reporter is around but they sure do. I say thank you to each one of them and hope their christmas break is a good one (if coach doesnt have them shooting FTs and running too much)

    Merry Christmas to both sides from tonights game and to all the fans and coaches. Cya after the break, unless someone gives me a million dollars for a present!

  4. I have NEVER, EVER been a bagwell fan for those playoff shortcomings. I held it against him very harsly, BUT seeing him go for some reason made me realize what he did for the Astros and the city of Houston.

    He was a class act and did what a lot of people dont do anymore, stay around with one team for loyalty. Yes Houston paid him well but deep down he stayed because he was an Astro.

    This coming from a Bagwell skeptic, he did a lot of good for the team and not all the greats dont win in the playoffs.

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