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Posts posted by Gabe

  1. Oh i know there is a bigger world outside SE Texas but I promise girls like Kristy Sanders, Courtney Wilson, Chelsea Pickering and others like Ang Green and Kellum are worthy of playing for LU. Start with a core of our girls and work outwards. Once that happens and a few wins start coming around, then the fans come back and even bigger names from our area and beyond will follow. A change is needed and recruiting from here and a local coach is actually a change! Recruiting local sure has helped the baseball team.

  2. No possible way of telling, it all depends on the seeding and which region they go to. Could be as early as in the round of 16 or all the way to the NC. have to wait til selection sunday for that answer. and whats it matter, UT is going to beat A&M out! They play tomorrow in Austin, its Durant time

  3. I watched the Buckeyes play Wisconsin on Sunday and was very unimpressed. Oden is not as great as made out in my mind. I know he is still feeling pain in his wrist and has potential but give me Durant and his production any day. Plus the real great team in the NCAA right now is Kansas. Those guys are killing teams right now. They will be real tough to beat come tourney time.

  4. For now I will only say congratulations to the Lady Bobcats on a terrific season and thank you for making my job so easy. It was great to cover you girls and it was a pleasure to see the faces I remembered covering from when I first worked at the OL. Dont hang you heads, it is more than a great accomplishment making it to the regional tournament two years in a row. Most schools can only dream of it. I will get into how I really feel about the game in a column for Sunday! cause yes, the lady cats got hosed more than once.

  5. Hey dont leave me out! Ill be there for all the games too.

    As for as the game, OF keeps on impressing me in different ways. I am was happy for Nichole stepping up in such a huge game. I never know what I am going to be writing about after each game because it is always someone different to make a difference.

    Congratulations to the lady cats and good luck friday.

    I felt sorry for cleveland in a way, no fan support what so ever. but that OF crowd is getting more crazy with each game! the student section is growing and it is helping the girls through. now go rock huntsville and lets win a game and set up an all OC final!

  6. Great season Silsbee, you girls have nothing to be ashamed of by winning the toughest district in the state. That is a great accomplishment to be proud of.

    So proud of Orange Countys WO-S Lady Stangs. Brittney Scott is simply unreal and one of the greatest athletes a reporter could cover. She makes me want to cover more games and wish the season was just starting instead of being four games away from the end.

    She is cold blooded sometimes on the court and there is nothing you can do to stop her, you just hope at some point she cools off. Tonight she didnt and WOS got the win, simply put.

    Great season Silsbee and good luck WOS. Ill be there in Huntsville ready to see you girls advance.

  7. It says a lot that Silsbee has won 3 times already but it is very hard to beat a team 3 teams in one season, heck its hard to do it twice. Saying that, doing it four times would be quite the accomplishment. B. Scott will be ready and the rest of the Lady Mustangs are playing excellent so far this playoff season. I say WOS gets a lil revenge but I would not be surprised to see Silsbee win. (Am I chickening out on a real answer or what?)

    Ok fine, WO-S by 5 or less.

  8. This game got a lil too physical for my blood. I am glad to see no OF players get hurt and proud none got a technical of there own in revenge of what was going on. Good coaching does this and the girls have their head on right. It takes a lot not to say something so congrats on the win and congrats on showing more class than most of us would have shown.

  9. Im usually not one to take up for myself in these situations BUT I was not even at this game. I had to stay at the paper since I was the only one working Monday night in the sports department. Someone had to design the pages and get them out on deadline and the trip to Evadale would have cut it just a lil too close, as much as I really did hate not being there. I apologized to coach Henderson repeatedly for it. I wrote that piece on what Coach Henderson called in and I am very thankful for her doing so as she has done all year. Thanks to those who said the kind words. We look forward to printing more wins in our paper of the Dville girls.

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