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Posts posted by JRidge

  1. Short memories we have.  Last time Central started the season off 0-3, they reeled  off 6 straight and won the outright district title. But go ahead and laugh.

    No the laugh was because of your statement towards Ozen not winning District. I on the other hand would like to see Central make it to the dance. Hoping they won't have walking pneumonia for district Soulja!

  2. i see a pattern. I can definitely see another let down. 

    No i think they will respect the fact that Lumberton has been winning and they have to play them on the road. Panthers still had a few players learning new positions and hopefully the mistakes are rectified. I just watched Tim Rhodes highlights and he is a quick tough runner but it may be difficult to break against several fast guys instead of the couple they've faced against their previous opponents. I just think that if Ozen coaches are on point with there game plan and the players execute, there is a advantage talent wise in Ozen's favor and it should reflect in the score. They will be focused i do believe.

  3. I see Ozen with an experienced O-Line, a QB who makes big plays and a RB who can score from anywhere on the field. There defense has made some key adjustments during their off week and is loaded with speed and toughness. If they don't blow to many coverages then I believe they have to much talent and speed to contain for 4qtrs. The big win against Memorial, the let down against WB and the big win against Southern Lee should pay great dividends this year!

    Panthers  -42

    Lumberton - 21

  4. Ok lets just be real. I never bashed step dads. I bashed you! Your love and care is that of a man who would brag about his stepson's athletic achievements after having put that said stepkid out on the streets and allowed that particular stepkid to sleep in the park. Oh and if your training skills are so good then why did Ivory "chopper" Williams have Jeff Nelson training him in Beaumont. You're not about the kids, you're about your damn self. Always swooping in to try and give yourself credit for those kids achievements. Everybody knows it, especially the kids. I was at a BBQ for the Ozen players after the WB lost. That sentiment was definitely mutual for all players there. I bet you couldn't get one athlete to come on here and claim your selfish arse as their trainer. Yeah I took pop shots, but since you want to take it there. Here you go. Now what say you Mr. Stepdad?

    I was always told that a pair of lips would say anything and since you have two ic their always shut except for when you have a computer! One man in my house and if you feel you need to tell me about how to raise a child I suggest you'd right a book on it and hopefully get a return. I would call you dumb but that would be harsh so i'll stick to ignorant at best. Nobody has to brag about the truth and since you're trying to shoot pot shots I suggest you try archery, you may aim better. My life is an open book and I am not ashamed of anything, I'm old school and believe in most of those teachings so if you can't abide by my rules there's the door. I have other kids who are accomplished students and are doing well and 1 who's not but since this is an athletic site I speak about their athletic accomplishments. I don't have to speak about how good I was in the different sports because that's old news and its their time to shine not mine. As for Chopper you wouldn't have a clue about that situation so to explain it would be like taking an eraser to a chalk board, you'd never see it anyway! Obviously you have some personal issues with me and that can always be settled and trust that. I speak about things I'm proud of, you speak against things people are proud of so tell me where's the negative side. I never hear you speak about your kids/step-kids so is there some jealousy hear I suspect? I don't have to lie and I don't have to list on average the 95 kids per year that participated in our youth programs year in and year out. Obviously you've never heard about Midnight Basketball either here in Southeast Tx. that helped keep kids off the streets. I have never seen you volunteering to coach or do anything besides offer blatant disrespect towards another mans efforts. I dare not say anything about your experiences on this site so i'll continue to let you stand beneath me. Remember this is Southeast Tx. Bro.

    P.S. How about you come hit them a few baseballs are conduct them through some drills that you use to do in your playing days?  Lol

  5. lol... Probably too busy training those imaginary superstar athletes. Lmbo...


    Ok since you asked for it Joey here it goes. Most people criticize others efforts because they usually have nothing better to do. There is clearly something missing in your life and hopefully this site fills the void. As for me, the kids that I have been able to assist through the years bring joy to my heart to see them continue something they love and started at an early age when most of them only witness people quitting things they start or simply abandoning them. Majority of them say thanks coach for providing a place for us to learn a sport and mature as young adults. I could go on and on about the people I've trained for free that are doing great things still today but I will speak of the one's I've personally helped raise in my own home and developed so you can take notes and compare if you wan't. Those imaginary superstars are former track-star/football star Ivory "Chopper" Williams who was a Junior Olympic 100m & 4x 100m Champion as well as a State 100m, 200m & 4x 100m Champion for Central H.S 2004, also a Junior College 100m Champion. He was also ranked in Rivals.com 2004 #5 ranked All-Purpose Back and ran professionally for Team Nike. You can google him if you want.  As for the 3 athletes for Ozen H.S., my Soph. is the starting Jv QB and made Varsity Baseball as a freshman, my Jr. is a starting CB for Varsity and has been a starter on Varsity Baseball as a switch hitting SS since his Freshman year and is rumored by many in the Travel Ball circuit to be on track to possibly be drafted in the 2017 class if he continues to develop. My Sr. DE/RB, well if you don't know that he is one of the most athletic, tough and physically gifted athletes in 22-5a you must have been asleep somewhere. Baring injury like last year which kept him from the last 6 games and playoffs he will probably be in line for All-District honors and possibly Super Gold. My 6 year old is precocious and was adopted by us and has been with us since he was 6 months old. His training with his brothers has him switch hitting in baseball and playing with the 9 & 10 yr olds next year. He is very good at football, basketball and track as well.  I won't feel bad for doing My job developing them and putting them in line for success. Critics are just that, Critics, but somehow along the way they become Haters! Congratulations, you've graduated Yeoj!


    P.S. The next time you try to bash step-dads or little league coaches you should look around and realize someone has to care or you probably wouldn't have this wonderful sport you love to watch and talk about on Friday Nights! Geesh!

  6. Neumann has kept basically the same staff for his entire tenure. I believe DeRouen and Barrow are his only O coordinators, and Spell his only D coordinator.  Cohesivness and consistency are vital in building a COMPLETE program. Faircloth is a great qb coach and a good offensive mind. However, he has in his 6 or so year tenure had an almost 100% turnover in asst coaches. A few have left for greener pastures, and some have just left. Make of this what you will but, Im of the opinion that it hasnt necessarily been to his benefit. I see a battle for the DC this year, with no clear cut frontrunner.  Im just glad we have the ace in the hole..............Neumann....... Go ahead, call me a homer!!!!!!!!

    I feel you on this one. Having the same staff provides great dividends while loosing coaches every year kills consistency most of the time. Suggs lost his DC from last year but finally has a full staff at Ozen and If he can learn his coaches and players strengths while keeping his staff In tack, I see a possIble DISTRICT Championship coming.

  7. Sounds like a S.E.Tx Calvocade experience needs to take place with some who feels their team is the best around.
    Someone throwout some insurance money and secure some fields for those who love seeing the best against the so call best! It could be lots of fun or arrest! Lol

  8. Go back and check the WB thread when I said jag fans were going to be calling for Toby's resignation everyone called me ignorant now look lol I've told y'all once before it's going to be a LONG year for Central in athletics. Well maybe not basketball since I hear you guys just got a 7'0 transfer from Nigeria

    It's funny how every year Central mysteriously gets these wonderful recruits I mean transfers? I head Nederland Is already checking on him. Lol

  9. Pretty sure there is scholarship offers in gymnastics. Otherwise big time college programs wouldn't have gymnastics. 

    Buddy you have to be exceptional and most gymnast start very early in life like around 5 or 6 and are in gymnastics exclusively. Besides the gymnastics teacher did say they can get cheerleader scholarships to cheer in college.  I started them in every sport they do but he wants to play college football and is also very good in track and baseball. He is a very good artist as well so he has gifts that can help him go to school free. I believe as parents we have to help our kids make the right decisions for their future otherwise we will be housing and taking care of them the rest of their lives. JMO

  10. Looked like they both balled out Saturday evening....

    They both did pretty good but i watched the film and noticed somethings that can be improved on especially when he let that punt go past him when everyone knows he is very quick, shifty, fast and could have probably scored had he been aggressive and picked it up. The great one's make plays when the opportunity presents so he has to find out whether or not he wants to be good or great. It's just me as a Dad and Trainer and trying to help them be the best they can be if they are willing. Everybody thinks Chopper was great just because of his speed but we always worked on the little things and developed into what he became.

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