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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. Never mind that . . . "Ozen came up with a steal 30 seconds later, [u][b]but it missed its final nine shots as West Brook won 52-46[/b][/u]."  Sounds like Ozen didn't take care of their business and this loss had nothing to do with an alleged curious whistle, regardless of what this sportswriter thinks. Read more: [Hidden Content]
  2. Not a good "T".  depends on circumstances, prior actions by the player, etc., but the tape doesn't give me the impression that a tech was warranted.
  3. [quote name="inadmissible" post="1166675" timestamp="1327672984"] in defense of OldRiverEagle two of the officials have been banned from calling anymore varsity level this year.  This stems from video evidence.  Including several 10 seconds in the backcourt calls which were actually less than 8 seconds and two 5 second calls on inbounds plays which were really 3 seconds and one 3 second call with seconds left in the second overtime in which no BH player was near the lane (all out at the 3 pt. line).  Glad to see official's organization step up and do what is right. [/quote] Really?  Where'd you get that information?  Any varsity for the remainder of the season??  Doubtful.  Maybe asked to not work any more of Dayton's or BH varsity games this season, but it is highly unlikely they lost all their varsity contests.
  4. Also, after thinking about it, I seem to remember that the BH point guard had 3 fouls in the first period and sat for almost the entire first half, and then sat for most of the second half after he got a technical foul for pushing one of the Liberty players.  I guess that was part of the refs' evil plans too. When Liberty quits whining and PLAYS THE GAME, we will be tough to beat on ANY night!  Go Panthers!!
  5. So what exactly did you see that would lead you to think that the refs had it in for Liberty.  I saw LIBERTY miss about 40 shots.  I saw LIBERTY miss about 20+ Free Throws.  I saw LIBERTY commit about 30+ turnovers.  I saw LIBERTY commit about 10-12 inexcusable fouls.  I saw a LIBERTY player throw an elbow to the face of a defenseless player.  I saw LIBERTY lose their composure completely (yelling at each other, yelling at the other team, yelling at the refs).  How many back cuts did BH score on?  (At least 30-40 points worth, where they were literally standing underneath the basket for an easy layup!)  I guess the refs set the screens on those too.  Could it have been poor defense? I am curious as to what criteria you're using to determine that the refs had it in for Liberty, because I made the 30 minute drive over to BH, and what I saw was a team that can play the game fast and furious, until the other team adjusted.  Then they fell apart.  That comes down to coaching and player maturity.  One or the other, or both, were the reason we lost.  Not the refs.  And our fans didn't help matters at all, acting like fools in the stands.  If you don't think that crap transfers onto the kids on the team, you don't know much about competition in any sport.  WE will be a playoff team, and we have all the ability to make a deep run, but until we shut up and play the game, and make the adjustments we have to make to win ballgames, we will be talking about what could have been instead of what IS. As for Liberty never getting "homer refs" . . . please.  I have seen Liberty play for years, and we have had our fair share of refs that walked into the gym and we had a 10-15 point lead before the ball was ever tossed.  The refs had nothing to do with our loss.  Sorry play did.
  6. So what exactly did you see that would lead you to think that the refs had it in for Liberty.  I saw LIBERTY miss about 40 shots.  I saw LIBERTY miss about 20+ Free Throws.  I saw LIBERTY commit about 30+ turnovers.  I saw LIBERTY commit about 10-12 inexcusable fouls.  I saw a LIBERTY player throw an elbow to the face of a defenseless player.  I saw LIBERTY lose their composure completely (yelling at each other, yelling at the other team, yelling at the refs).  How many back cuts did BH score on?  (At least 30-40 points worth, where they were literally standing underneath the basket for an easy layup!)  I guess the refs set the screens on those too.  Could it have been poor defense? I am curious as to what criteria you're using to determine that the refs had it in for Liberty, because I made the 30 minute drive over to BH, and what I saw was a team that can play the game fast and furious, until the other team adjusted.  Then they fell apart.  That comes down to coaching and player maturity.  One or the other, or both, were the reason we lost.  Not the refs.  And our fans didn't help matters at all, acting like fools in the stands.  If you don't think that crap transfers onto the kids on the team, you don't know much about competition in any sport.  WE will be a playoff team, and we have all the ability to make a deep run, but until we shut up and play the game, and make the adjustments we have to make to win ballgames, we will be talking about what could have been instead of what IS.
  7. I watched the entire game too.  They played a great first period, then Liberty laid an egg after the first.  The BH team went on a run and got it close by the end of the first.  After that, Liberty went ICE COLD, and ended up down by about 19 at the half.  They were down by more than 30 with 3-4 minutes left in the 3rd!!  BH fans had some idiots early on when they were down, then of course, after BH went on their first big run, the Liberty fans turned into complete buffoons!  Ridiculous!!  As for the refs, um, yeah, right.  They were the reason Liberty LOST BY 35 POINTS?!?!  It obviously had nothing to do with the 40+ missed shots (of which 20+ were put-backs or easy lay-ups), or the 30+ turnovers (of which 12-15 were IN THE BACKCOURT).  Oh, and #10 was EJECTED by the officials for throwing an elbow and hitting the BH player in the eye. Liberty lost their composure, played 3 quarters of CRAP basketball, and now they want to whine and cry about the refs costing them the game, which again, they lost by 35 POINTS!!!  I am a Liberty guy, and they stunk it up tonight, plain and simple.  Plus, it's hard not to mention the truly classy behavior of the players on the way out to their bus and driving away after the game, yelling and cursing at BH fans and other spectators.  Way to represent!  NOT!
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