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Posts posted by eagleswoodville#1

  1. 10 hours ago, PAT said:

    I’m sure you are aware that Cameron Rising (California kid) is a UT commit. Coaches have been quoted as saying this kid is the Best they have ever seen. What’s your thoughts about Shug ever hitting the field at UT as I would love to see him in action at the college level 

    Rising is an interesting recruit. Very good and alot of upside. His reads on progressions and ability to look off defenders is shaky at times. Accuracy is +, arm strength is +, ability to read a defense and football IQ are ++. It's gonna be a very interesting battle at QB between him and Roschon. Lol I can't freakin wait.


  2. 4 hours ago, longball24 said:

    I stand by everything I said. Hurt feelings or not the truth is the truth your opinion is yours mine is mine. Your way of thinking is why Woodville has been a punching bag for 30+ years . By the way add Rockdale McGregor Franklin and Jefferson to your list. 

    No, the reason we've been average as long as we have is because we have a bunch of disgruntled people who sit back and complain about things, but sit on the back pew and refuse to do anything about it. But you're absolutely right. We both said what we needed to say. Consider it dropped. 



    As for the list you puffed out of thin air lol 2 out of 4 I consider legitimate. Rockdale, Franklin, and Jefferson are all legit and make good cases. McGregor......what is your reasoning on that one? They're a good team, don't get me wrong. I just don't think anybody can look at them and say for almost 100% certainty they can for sure beat Woodville. 

  3. 2 hours ago, aTmfan06 said:

    Yes they are good. But as some people think they are top 10 in 3A good. Not true 

    I'm still waiting on the 9 teams in 3AD1 that you feel very confidently would beat Woodville. I'll give you Malakoff, Yoakum, Brock, Wall, and Halletsville, although Halletsville is very questionable. But those are the top 5 in DCTF, so I'll give you those. I'm in a debating mood today, if you can't tell. Haha 


    Also, Kountze has an above average and very athletic backfield. If they get an offensive line, they will be tough. 

  4. 1 hour ago, longball24 said:

    I did think they were top 10 good but only on offense. OUR defense is  !!!!! Worse than can be described. They will say we had injuries we played back ups the whole second half. For the most part the core guys were in the game. No outside containment and no pass defense and by the way did anyone see the futile pass attempts when we did decide to pass. And the band member that cut her face open. The whole thing was a huge embarrassment.

    I really hope you're a staff member, coach, or member of the school board. Because if you're complaining this much about our athletic program and not attempting to change it for the better in any way, then you're the biggest part of the problem. Negativity within a small community like ours is what kills our schools' ability to motivate kids to do better and succeed. No, they didn't play well at all last night. Trust me, they understand that and their coaches will make very clear for the next two weeks that it was unacceptable. "Worse than can be described"? Seriously? Last time I checked, the goal for every defense was to hold their opponent to less points than their own offense can score. So, just by using common football sense, they were at the very least sufficient enough to get a win. Was it good enough to accomplish the goals that this team has set got themselves? No, absolutely not. Were they anywhere near "bad" in any way, shape, or form? Not even close. Substandard is a very accurate and appropriate description of their defense last night. "Bad" defenses lose games. Bad defenses, much like some we've had in the past, lose games like the one last night. Maybe if more people in this community would support and uplift our programs or start putting effort into teaching them how to be better, instead of complaining and shaming when things go wrong, then maybe the kids would be motivated enough to take that next step and become an elite program. 

    Ever heard the phrase "It's a bad day, not a bad life." Well, it was a bad game, not a bad season. A win is a win is a win is a win is a win is a win is a win is a win. Don't negate that accomplishment in the minds of these kids by criticizing them on here. They read this stuff all the time and post on here from time to time too. 


    As for the band member who was injured during the halftime performance....accidents happen. If it was embarrassing for you to sit there and watch it, can you imagine how embarrassing it was for that teenage girl to have it happen on the field, knowing that every single person in the stadium is watching you the entire time? But you're embarrassed, right? Please just consider how what you're saying on here will be perceived by and how it will effect the confidence of these kids. 


    "Do not, through any of your actions,  do or say anything that may cause them to doubt the value of competitive athletics." They say it over the speakers before every game for a reason.

  5. 2 hours ago, Wb Tex said:

    Your right about that .But people on here acting like they would run 6a

    I definitely never said that, because it's nowhere near true. I didn't even say they'd best WB, that I can recall. Just that Newton's best is better than the Bruins'. Newton would get rolled by LP and The Woodlands. No doubt in my mind. You're criticizing us for small schools would compete with your average-at-best 6A program.

  6. I've seen alot of great football at every classification and at every level of the sport. Newton's best athlete is head and shoulders above anybody WB can put out on the field. Numbers is the only advantage the Bruins have. I promise you that. As for Woodville....yall would beat us, of course. Probably by a pretty large amount. But I promise you'd think a little differently than you do now. Your defense would remember playing little ole Woodville. 

  7. Region III

    W9-Malakoff vs. F10-Cameron Yoe

    R12-East Chambers* vs. T11-Coldspring

    W10-Rockdale vs. F9-Groesbeck

    R11-Buna vs. T12-LaMarque*

    W11-Woodville vs. F12-Anahuac*

    R10-Franklin vs. T9-Teague

    W12-Hitchcock vs. F11-Kirbyville

    R9-West vs. T10-McGregor"



    Put an asterisk where my changes are. If this plays out, I like that Franklin/Woodville matchup in the second round. That'll be a good matchup. 

  8. 30 minutes ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

    No... I was only saying that to rack your brains a little.  You can give an explanation for our debates to begin.  Lol

    Short answer......I think Vidor is a better team than Ned. On to a more important subject though....


    Evadale? Really? Buna....meh, okay. I understand that. But not Evadale. Smh.

  9. Former Woodville kicker AJ Worsely attended several kicking camps over the summer and was heavily recruited by IMG Academy in Bradenton, Florida, who most believe is the top football team in the nation this year. IMG Academy is a college prep boarding school aimed at preparing student athletes for the next level of competition. Whether you agree with these types of schools and programs or not, we can surely all congratulate AJ on this awesome opportunity he's been provided with!! Woodville is pulling for you AJ!! Congrats!!

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