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Posts posted by NDNation

  1. 58 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    Curious about this statement.  Since 1994, there has only been "2" head coaches.  Sounds like a good administration to me to work for.   Also interesting that there wasn't any challenge to the statement from any PNG faithful!  But, if this is movement, maybe they have realized something!   

    If you're a winner, this community will put you on a pedestal. It's a great community to live in. Lots of Pride and lots of tradition. 

    Oh, and don't lose to Nederland. 

  2. 1 hour ago, CougarCal said:

    You’d have a high powered offense, probably setting some school records and a defense that gives up…..wait a minute maybe he isn’t a good fit there. Plus he’s not the beer drinking type, wouldn’t fit in there.

    If he has a lift on his truck, he'll fit right in.

  3. 42 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    I think he likes being up there closer to family. Still may not be out of the question if y’all want to open up the check book though. I think Rio even talked to BF before taking the Crosby job to get his thoughts on it?

    One place he would probably struggle at PNG is to deal with y’all’s administration though. He doesn’t do the “politics” thing and doesn’t have any issues kicking “me” guys completely off the team no matter how good you are. 

    I think most coaches will struggle with that.

  4. 7 hours ago, aki1994 said:

    People on the neighborhood watch are typically people who do not care about sports. They care about minding the gap at DQ. What just blew up and whose dogs are out running around. 

    I would estimate we have roughly 5,000 fans show up to the game on Friday nights. Ten to fifteen percent of those leave after half time. Some are students and others are just there to socialize. I would say out of those 5,000 maybe 500 care enough to even know who all the coaches are. Now take that number and look at how many of those have a friend on the board or in admin. Then you see that there is a very small group that actually cares enough about football, the team moving forward and don't have a tie in that could cause grief by making a post and you have your answer why there is nothing on Facebook yet. I have heard so much speculation but nobody has the balls to post what is really going on. After the fact is too late to start spilling the truth. So here is a running list of the rumors I have heard.

    1. His defensive coaches don't like him because he steals all the talent for offense. 

    2. The old guard group don't like him because he didn't hire PN-G guys when he first came in and treated some of the older guys with no respect. 

    3. He doesn't play board members kids enough. 

    4. Admin don't like him because he asks for too much. 

    5. He plays favorites and allows the better players to slide and makes examples of the lesser players. (This is a PNGISD problem) If your parents are tied in with the right friends your kids don't go to ISS or get reprimanded for the same issues other students do. 

    6. He voted for Joe Biden. (I don't know that but I might as well add my own stupid rumor) 


    There are "Karens" on those watch groups that would pounce on any opportunity to get on their soap boxes. You just have to find one indignant Karen and it's a go.

  5. Where are the petitions?? Where is the outraged community?? I haven't seen this in any groups on Facebook. Nobody can cause a stink like the PNG community can. You don't like the cross in the park, we'll put thousands of crosses out. You don't like our mascot, we'll spell out INDIAN and Scalp'em on the football field with the band. And so on. Nobody is up in arms over this.

  6. 2 hours ago, PNGFaithful said:

    Trust me I’ve known many administrators and they say Cheerleader, band and Indianette parents are the worst. 

    I was a band parent, mine graduated this year. I've never been apart of a more supportive group. The band is huge. It takes a lot. The band gets the visitor concessions. The only time that side is packed is MCM. 

  7. 3 hours ago, RidinTheRange said:

    I have zero connection to PNG other than I've seen them play a few times, but I am not a member of the community or do not live anywhere near there.  Reading the thread and checking the link to the schoolboard members and pairing it up with the 2021 PNG roster.  It looks like there are current two board members that had kids on the team.  Just a hunch, but I bet the smoke starts there.  I would think a decision like this would have to be personal, since it seems Coach Faircloth has been successful and well respected by the community.  Interested to hear the rest of the story.  Good luck to Coach Faircloth (I'm sure there are plenty of football programs out there that will be very happy to get him as their coach), and the athletes going forward no matter which way this turns out.

    Both of those players have seen the field. I've seen one on Special teams, and his Dad isn't the type to do something petty like this. The other kid has seen the field also, on defense. Can't see his dad doing this either. Coach Faircloths own son doesn't see the field every play either. Sooooo, I don't know.....if he does leave, I'm going to miss those high octane offenses of his. 

    PAM should scoop him up. Can you imagine what he could do with those athletes on offense.

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