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Posts posted by Bon_Mot

  1. Is this Coach Morgan related to the Morgan girl that plays for PNG?

    I don't know about that, but he is the Morgan who kicked for TJ or the early years of Memorial - I can't remember which - and then I think went on to kick in college, as well.  Whenever it was, Brian has done a great job.  I've heard nothing but good things about their style of play and their discipline.

  2. I wouldnt say that we dominated possesion, LCM played a hard fought game and the ball bounced our way in the end.

    Hey Bizzaro Bon-Mot, how is it that on most of your previous posts you know so much about LC-M, and now all of a sudden you're claiming to be from Nederland?  ::)  Are you just trying to stir stuff up?  Stop trying to be messy, and stick to what you do best - being a poser.  :-*

  3. I don't know if most of you have been following high school long enough, but the 4A division has been around for less than ten years now I believe.  Before that, all 4A's had to play up in 5A.  The 4A high school I attended was fortunate enough to win the 5A district and also win a first round game in the 5A play-offs for the two years that I played, so it's tough, but a lower classification can be successful.

    Sportsguy, I like your solution.  And it'd be good in certain districts, but what about the districts that don't have 3A schools?  Or what about the districts that have only one 3A school playing soccer?  Does that team automatically make the play-offs?

    I agree with you guys, too!  We need a 3A district.  Otherwise, this area is going to be stuck with a 9 or 10 team 4A district for a while.  And that stinks because it doesn't give the teams enough time to get their form, and it doesn't allow enough weekends for some teams to go off and see or play teams from other parts of the state.  I know several area teams were regular attendees to the Brenham 4A Showcase.  No teams from this area could go this year because the weekend it was held was the fourth game of distict for everybody.

    You kids in school, tell your soccer buddies at other 3A schools to start a petition or demand a program.  I know that Bridge City is talking about starting up a program, although they've "talked" about starting up one for years.  I don't know for sure, but it seems like schools like Hamshire Fannet or Orangefield could produce a team, too.  The problem is, the AD's and school boards don't think that there will be enough participation.  The only way they'll consider it is if the students and parents let it be known that they want a program.

  4. I know these threads are always fun because we have our opinions, but a few things don't make sense to me.  And I'm not trying to be disrespectful to the kids because I've seen a lot of talent in the area, but are you guys placing these players on reputation or results?  Here goes my problems:

    #1  How is it that PN-G has only given up NINE goals in district this year, but only one of the posts mentions a PN-G defender?

    #2  How is it that Vidor's keeper and/or sweeper are on almost every list so far?  They are 5th in goals against and in 6th place overall in the district?

    #3  Fernando, I love the support, but you gotta take off the maroon colored glasses!   8)  Two guys from the top team in district I can understand, but FOUR?!  And two defenders!?

    #4  Has no one seen West Brook this year?  They've got some stand-out guys, but I haven't seen anyone mention them.

  5. no WOS has 0 points... the WO-S vs. HJ game got messed up and we didn't play... gonna be rescheduled...

    I thought I read somewhere that WO-S came back and beat Ozen 2-1 a few matches ago.  I'd try and find it, but there's no telling where the post is between all of these threads started by these proud, young JVer's from PN-G, Nederland, Vidor... :P

  6. Keeper is definitely the most mentally challenging spot on the field (Although I think you must be mentally challenged to play there!)  A forward can shank 8 straight one on ones and finish the next two and be called a hero, but a keeper can shut down 9 straight one on ones and give up one howler and be called the goat.  A keeper isn't evaluated on the saves he makes; he's judged on the ones he allows.

  7. In order if importance on the field from a coach's perspective:

    1.  Central Midfield - If you don't win the midfield, it's going to be tough to win the game.

    2.  Sweeper - He's the field general.  In charge of marking assignments and communication.

    3.  Marking Backs - If you have a top-notch sweeper and two good marking backs, you can put a trained monkey in the goal and still win a lot of games.  No offense, Jsmitty!  :-*

    4.  Forward - No need to say much about them as most of them are ego-driven primadonnas anyway.  ;)

    5.  Keeper - You don't realize how valuable a good one is until you don't have a solid one.

    6.  Wingers - Brutal position to play and is usually platooned on the highschool level.  The world has started to realize the relavence of the gifted winger going back to Beckham and now with Christano Rinaldo.  Even Clint Dempsey is considered to be one of the US's top players, and he's on the flank.

  8. Well, this thread has gone way off course.  :D  A little word of advice Bizzaro Bon Mot, when you set up your copy-cat personna next time, hide your email address.  ;)

    By the way, meirdesucede, does your screen name have anything to do with fecal matter?  :P 

    And hey, Newcastle, Man U won again today.  Just thought you'd want to know...  ;D

  9. Someone correct me if these aren't accurate.

    (Team / Points / Games left in 1st half)

    Lumberton -  21 - LCM & Central

    Central -      21 - Silsbee & Lumberton

    Nederland -  15 - HJ & PNG

    PNG -          15 - Vidor & Nederland

    Vidor -        12 - PNG & Silsbee

    Silsbee -      11 - Central & Vidor

    LCM -          7 - Lumberton & Ozen

    Ozen - ?

    HJ - ?

    WOS - ?

  10. It's always fun having Halil or Tiger doing you of your games.  I know Tiger can't get around much anymore, but neither of them will let a game get out of hand.  Halil just makes me laugh, too.

    I've only seen Radomski a couple of times, but he seems pretty solid.  Dansby is consistent.  Stasinos is good.  Franks is very knowledgeable.

    And to any parent who has a gripe about the area officials, check out the Houston chapter!  :o  The good ones are good, but the bad ones are just pathetic.  I've had good luck with the Austin chapter, though.

  11. There's a difference between playing dirty and playing hard.  The only game I've seen Central play they were neither dirty nor cheap.  Rough and physical?  Yes!  But a player is only going to do what an official allows them to do. 

    And Htexans, you say that you don't see them going far in the play-offs?  Have you seen teams from the Houston Area play?  The style of play there is EXTEMELY physical.  I would say in that aspect of the game, they are more prepared than many teams from around.  Ask the kids from Lumberton how physical Klein Oak was last year.

    Right now, if anyone says that the two best teams in the district aren't Central and Lumberton, then they are possibly a little bitter.  Both teams have proven it on the field.

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