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82 5A State Champs

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Posts posted by 82 5A State Champs

  1. scooter, i don't think it's because they're afraid.....i think it's because the PAM game was exhausting, mentally and physically. PAM came out swinging and ready to play, while WB came out flat. it took alot out of those boys to overcome a good memorial team and fight back to win. plus, memorial was playing very aggressive. if memorial plays laporte with the same kind of intensity, they should win. good luck TITANS!

  2. well, the PK is not much of a big loss, he wasn't that effective when he was healthy. it seems like he missed at least one PAT in every game. i still think their biggest weakness is their defense. although i'm told they played the channelview game without DB Billy Chavis. i think he's also hurt. as i said before, they're pretty banged up! i'll be totally shocked if they can pull out a win. i'm not being a pessimist, i'm just being realistic.

  3. even if they're not real strong COOP, have you seen WB play the last two weeks, they've stunk up the place. if you had told me three weeks ago that WB would have finished the way they did, i would have said that you were crazy, but it is what it is. i just dont think this team has a strong enough character to rebound and make a deep playoff run. i would love to be wrong, but i don't think i am. i guess we'll see on saturday

  4. i know Stump will, he's a great coach!! all i was saying is that i just think maybe their attitude is lacking....almost like they've given up and just don't care. i definitely hope i'm wrong and they show up to play on saturday, 'cause this is it! in fact, i'd pay money if they would show up and play with a sense of urgency, and some pride. i think that is something they sorely lack. PRIDE! i hope i'm wrong!

  5. well apparently, WB's offense and defense decided to take an early post-season vacation......I dunno, maybe they're just not motivated. They definitely have the talent to win, especially against Channelview. They are not good enough to win another state championship this year, but I thought they would at least go a couple of rounds. It's probably not gonna happen this year!

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