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82 5A State Champs

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Everything posted by 82 5A State Champs

  1. Good teams always seem to find a way to win. Nederland might not win district, but they'll make the post season, and probably beat some real good teams along the way! Good luck DAWGS!
  2. you're right, I forget that our first game was Week 0, and since we've played and won two, I just figured they had also. My bad, sorry. ???
  3. not to sound rude, but what exactly is a "soulja"? Is it slang for something? :-\
  4. Hey Coop, I may be wrong, but I think that 79-1 record was through the end of last season, and not counting the two wins they already have this year....wouldn't that be 81-1? dunno, just checking!
  5. hey, hey, hey...check the latest polls, WB is upfrom #22 last week to #18 in the state! go Bruins
  6. Did I miss something, here? Has there been talk of a fourth high school in Beaumont? If we had three schools that were 5A and all were overcrowded, then I could see the possibility of adding another school. Until then I wouldn't worry about it!
  7. I was worried the Ned was gonna suffer without their starter....but it sounds like that kid will be real good over the next two years!
  8. scooter, how are you giving me updates? is there an internet feed? Is that 20-10 West Brook?
  9. 20-7 West Brook, and Central just intercepted the ball? is that correct?
  10. Does anybody know if there is a link to this game? I am out of town and it's killing me to not know what's going on!
  11. Then we would have three Beaumont teams to beat up on! W e desperately need a place kicker from what it sounds like. I think he's 1 for 6 now!
  12. heck, yes! Can't believe Falgout starting at QB, but still alot of football to play. Is the field very muddy?
  13. gimme a break.....you have nothing in response to that comment except to bring up the size of the school...is that the best you can do? but you are right...we shouldn't and we won't lose to a "4A" school, especially Central!. Hey, you started it!
  14. yeah, they must have said something that hurt his feelings!lol ;D
  15. yeah! it doesn't make any sense. one poll had WB ranked #23 in the top 25 last week, but Garland, Longview, and Leander all lost and are still ranked in front of the Brook. We moved up one spot to #22, but what gives.......I don't think the "experts" like us too much! ???
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