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Posts posted by Eagle82

  1. 22 hours ago, fox said:

    i guess the old 21-5a teams were not as strong as everybody made them out to be

    Well if you only go by record alone, I would say yes, thus far.  However, PNG beat Crosby by 3 and   took all 4 quarters to beat lowly Dayton.  Nederland never had a lead in the game with mediocre BH until the last play of the game.  I think this district is really evenly matched with each other, pretty much top to bottom, at least more so than the 2 older districts were individually.  

  2. 6 hours ago, Boneyard Boys said:

    Good hard fought game, offense made some big plays tonight Nunez might have had 100 yards receiving and 200 rushing I know he was tired. Galloway made some really nice passes but crucial penalties caused long down and distance. Which forced the pass into coverage resulting in some turnovers that they scored off of, he was also under a lot of pressure from the BH defense. Dahlenberg ran hard and had a nice long catch, he's had a strong season thus far. I’d say our offense held their own tonight putting up 34 points but we needed the drive at the end that died inside the red zone. Best play call was the reverse to the kicker, they weren’t expecting #9 to get the ball and outrun everyone for a 65 yard TD. 

    The defense has some injuries but fought hard with a lot of young guys playing and getting valuable experience. Some of our offensive players helped out by playing both ways with some situational substitutions. The defensive front was able to get some pressure in the backfield, we had several sacks and tackles for loss. We did better defending the pass tonight with tight coverage but gave up too many long runs in this game. We just can’t seem to get off the field and get a critical stop late in the game when we have to have it.

    Nederland is going to be a tough game, it looks like they have it rolling again this season. This is one hell of a district and it’s shaping up to be a down year for us but next season we could fair a lot better. With the youngsters we have getting a lot of playing time now and with the stud senior quarterbacks that every other team in the league has moving on, there is still hope on the horizon in Pirate land. 

    Thanks again for your updates last night.  I have to say props to you Sir on this post.  One of the only posts I've seen on here in a very long time, where the fan on the underside didn't degrade the winning team, bash the refs, make silly excuses, or otherwise try and lessen the loss by trying to diminish the win of the other team.  Kudo's and much respect!   And yes, this district seems to be well matched with each other...not sure though how it will fair head to head with other districts, but with each other....on any given night for sure!

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