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Everything posted by BADSANTA

  1. Saturday I bet! I hope the Tigers win this weekend and the next! They have the talent just got to get it rolling
  2. I see they lost the 2 6'6 kids down low. How will they play this year dispite not having the size advantage like the past few years? They will make it back to state I think with quickness
  3. Silsbee will run away with district if they stay healthy
  4. HF will be a playoff team again in the near future
  5. FYI the entire team is made of juniors and soph and they are bad to the bone. All eat Blue Bell Ice Cream and Dairy Qeen like it nothing. Big ol boys up there!
  6. Respect is something about 30% of our population has never heard of. What a shame.
  7. BlueDove3 annswer the question. When was the last time HF made the playoffs? 1999? I'm just asking not making a joke
  8. Don't count out the Tigers or Hawks! Never know
  9. When is the last year HF made the football playoffs?
  10. HF will one day get a very strong team in football! Nevuary 32nd has to come one day! Lol
  11. HF wouldn't win this game even if we spotted them 30 points
  12. Who's Boogy1000? Wrong persom my man. FYI I would hope you know more about local sports than me since I no longer live in Silsbee. I graduated with Lewis Arline, Thad Holden, Brandi Mccain etc..... This board is as close as I get back to Silsbee. Been to 3 games in 10yrs. I do watch them when they go to Huntsville since I live in The Woodlands.
  13. Silsbee will get blown out by Huffman this year. Not even close
  14. Silsbee will beat HF by 3 scores but get BLASTED in the 1st round. I think Silsbee coaches are just happy to make the playoffs.
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