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Everything posted by broncofan55

  1. Bronx rox are you ready.......................trojan92 are you ready................
  2. octfeb , will be there with you.........................fans are you ready,let get loud......................
  3. Let play some football, friday night lights . fans are you ready..........................
  4. broncoman you are so right..................................lets hear some noise and stay for the players. lets show that we will be there for them win or lose...................................fans are you ready.................................fans are you ready........................................fans are you ready.................................................we are ready.................................,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,...love DAYTON.
  5. lets stay for all the game. and make some noise......fans are you ready....................................................fans are you ready...........................................
  6. Lets make some noise, it's friday nights lights.
  7. lets hear allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
  8. Granson there we will be there...................................fans are we ready ...............................................love broncos...................................
  9. Thanks to the band fans who stayed after the game was OVER, also to the otherside band. now that is respect.....
  10. when you go out to eat do you leave before dessert. when you go to a movie do you leave 5 min's before it's over. then why do so called  fans leave in the last few min's before the game is over.it's if we are wining or losing. p-------------s  me off................................................fan's are you ready...............
  11. It's not over till it's over........................................Fans are you ready.......................................Fans are you ready.....................
  12. Just a little louder, still need to work it. The band was great tonight.Still see the little kids making noise.come on fans lets get loud.........................fans are you ready.......................fans are you ready.......................................
  13. I love to see the little fans making alot of noise. my granson was 9 mts old his first game and he love all the noise. i see alot of little kids making noise. come on you old farts lets make some noise for the little kids..........................fans we are ready...............for you little kids we are ready to make some noise......................:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  14. Ok fans lets see if people from liberty can hear us. lets be loud for the players and the little kids also.............................fans are we ready..................................................fans are we ready...................................................
  15. Read all you wrote. sorry for no reponse. it looks like you spend a lot of time. thanks.      feel the same about the fans being loud. my feet hurt after the game from stomping. been a fan since 82. let wake up all.......................................FANS ARE YOU READY.....................................
  16. Lets be loud. Randy where are ya....................................
  17. Dayton...................................Fans are you ready...
  18. ok every fan, at the kick off lets be as loud as we can be. lets show the players we are there to support them................FANS LETS BE READY...........................................
  19. Fans are you ready  ...................................
  20. Agree with MHS32 on getting out of the parking area. Took 50 min to get out. Also what a good game.
  21. Hawkeye, they changed the highschool football forum location, were do you find it in the chron.................fans are we ready...........................
  22. stands full tonight, alittle loud but could be alittle louder.. ..........................fans are you ready..............
  23. dayton fans lets be loud tonight........................................fans are you ready......................................fans are you ready..................
  24. Still quiet tonight, these stands are concret and very hard. the band was very loud, it was great.good game.  ..........................................fans are you ready............................fans are you ready..................................we are ready...............''''''
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