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Posts posted by PANTHERPLAYA09

  1. I feel like its different now. Its not really like that now. A couple years ago the local cops called a small group, made up of football players, cheerleaders, etc., the "elite brass". we all laughed at the thought that they were trying to seperate the trouble makers from everyone else. But the truth is we all used to hangout with everyone. I think every football team has to be close. Its just how it happens. If youve ever played you know that you just get close to the guys that play with you. Thats one great thing about when school is over, you still have those same group of friends. Real friends. I

    I dont think Liberty's team lacks that togetherness. I know most of those guys and they are pretty close, closer than last years class. They do have the talent to win games. But, like I said before, they are not used to winning...

  2. I don't think that wet fields had anything to do with it.  Before this year, Huffmans field was always wet and not in very good shape. 

    Huffmans team is based on routes ran well. To say wet fields are not going to be a factor is ridiculous. In the past Huffmans team was based on north and south running. Now, the offense has changed to a spread and isn't the same. In the words of a wise man I spoke to this weekend what is so hard about it "you throw the ball you catch the ball, if you cant do that we can't be successful." But wet surface do change the outcome. Fumbles, drops, and inury rates seem to rise during wet conditions, so please rethink that statement.

    I'm not here to say that Liberty is going to take this game. So here it goes....ya'll all sound like a bunch of babies. Its SETX, its going to rain. GOOD GOD, get over yourselves and learn how to either: catch a wet ball, or run on a wet ground. or just stop crying...jeezz

  3. So since Tebow hasn't really gotten to practice for the last two weeks, do you think that Urban Meyer will hold him out of the LSU game?  I mean, keeping him healthy will make their chances of winning out better and a loss to the #4 team in the nation might not keep them out of the BCS championship game.  Especially if LSU loses another game.  So maybe Meyer should just hold Tebow out of the game.

    That scenario is unthinkable because Urban Meyer wants to win them all.  Obviously Haynes doesnt'.  Villamez didn't walk hurt or run hurt.  He averaged 10 yards per carry.  If he had been in teh game from teh beginning he might have taken a little of that pressure off of Taylor and he might have gotten off to a better start throwing the ball.  A coach, team, and community that will tolerate not playing a game to win is unthinkable.  But I am now aware that one exists.

    Let's see if we can put this is plain English so you people can understand.

    1. Tim Tebow has nothing to do with this.  He can not come back until a doctor clears him...so maybe he will be held out.

    2. Mitch was wearing a brace so no, he would probably not look look injured.

    3. If you put too much strain on an unhealed injury you could reinjure it and  make it take longer to heal   


    4. NO coach with an ounce of sense would take a chance on a player being out even longer because he let him

        play too much before he was completely ready.   He doesn't want to do something stupid  that  might keep

        him out the rest of the season.

    5.  Every coach wants to win every game,

    6.  I hope you never coach a team of any kind, because you evidently put the win over the well being of the

        boys or girls on you team.

    7.  You don't act like a rebel for Christ.  You run down the decisions others make and you don't even know the

        "why's" and the facts.

    Well to answer back to about half of this, players lie all the time so they can play. In a sport, playing through the pain is usually called heart, will, or guts. I knew a guy, played nose guard with a broken leg for a whole half. Beating Anahuac is something they all wanted to do. I remember when we beat a really good BH team that nobody thought we could. That game was more important to us just because it was ahuge win for us. If Hardin thought they could have won, he would have played. Brace or no brace. I bet he wanted to. If he wants to play, why should anyone, doctor or whoever else, stop him...

  4. The Panthers have some nice uni's too. Dont care for the helmets this year though.

    And I recall someone saying that Cleveland would win by as much as they wanted too...

    Cleveland still beat you by 22 right?.....Just checking

    I really do wish the Panthers would have won this game. This sounds like loser talk but, I cant wait to see how many points Cleveland averages against the rest of the district..

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