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Everything posted by sandman86

  1. Had to be Vidor Gold, Central played Vidor Black.
  2. [quote name="fireinthehole" post="1204353" timestamp="1333146235"] Pitch the Ball because in TAPPS III you don't have to do many special things to move the ball. I you have a good back who can run, then you feed him the rock; I wouldn't worry about that if I was a fan of legacy. Coach Sandford is a good coach and will get things done. [/quote] Yeah and Im not sure why the phrase "pitch the ball" got questioned in the first place. Almost every team runs some version of the option from almost any formation. Its extremely common and with an athlete at QB, whether it be in the spread or under center, if you can make teams honor the pitch than it can be difficult to stop.
  3. The O-line coach from last season is still there, sorry soulja. Sanford was the coach the last 4 years when Centrals line was one of the best in the area. Sanford was only consulting this past year due to hip surgery that kept him out. Also only 9 returning players from last year so watching film would not do much, should be a new look team all around.
  4. Im not saying the two students are liars bandkid. Im just telling you what the real qualifications are, as someone who help set those regulations and carried them out, and not some passer by that spread a rumor they heard from another student. It happens all the time in school, its called gossip. Some kids don't even know they're spreading rumors, but think its the honest truth. Also, not that it matters, but I graduated 4th in my class and went on to graduate college on the dean's list which would throw me in there as an honor student, and yet, I have lied on occasion. Not perfect, no one is, just something that happens when 1500 students talk while passing by each other. But I say let it drop, maybe they thought thats what got people in and maybe that year a lot got in and it was assumed thats why, who knows? On another note, smitty, just because someone has an opinion other than yours doesn't mean they are drinking the "kool aid" or whatever. Passing a bond is not the end of the world. Typically, most bonds only add very little monthly to the taxes and are a great [u]Investment[/u] in our schools future. You can't build a $30 million school by cutting a budget that is slightly higher than that. Our district has made cuts in all areas this year and last, with a promise of more to come. We have lost coaching positions, charter buses, teachers who retired and were not filling positions, budgets all around. So its getting to the point where there is not much else to cut. So find another solution and quit saying cut an athletic budget that combined between all schools would only hire a couple teachers, not build a school.
  5. Oh and if I trusted everything students said the number of dogs eating homework cases would become an epidemic, along with bathroom breaks and there would never be any need for discipline in school because simply, "they didn't do it."
  6. Your right, I agree completely. And yes just 20 minutes, he had to cut a lot because of time constraints...lol
  7. Awesome post The-NHS! I don't know how a thread about bond supporters turns into the bashing of Nederland ISD students and teachers. As a current teacher at NHS, I can tell you that this year Nederland HS tied or surpassed PNG in every category for the TAKs. Having worked at other school districts I can tell you there is nothing wrong with the educational standards at NHS. One thing students typically struggle in is the block scheduling we are on. When you go from having class for 1 1/2 hour every other day to 50 minutes each day it is different. I had two students from Lumberton come over and nearly flunk the first six weeks due to the change in scheduling, but they recovered and did just fine. I hope you realize not every student is a genius and students lie. I listen to my students complain one day about the amount of work and then a week later tell someone they do nothing in my class. So relying on students for educational analysis is crazy. Also, bandkid, the GPA requirement is correct, but the student must have approval from the faculty before they can be considered and even then not all get in. It is a combination of grades, attendance, participation in extracurriculars and moral character and leadership. I personally filled out 10 forms for students and all met those requirements in my book and only 3 got in, so maybe the policy has changed since you last heard. Nederland's teachers participate in numerous activities at the school and saying otherwise means you are misinformed and ignorant to what is really happening. Finding a teacher not involved in any organization, extracurricular activity, academic event, or AVID would be a very difficult thing to do. I wish I had a list of the academic achievements our kids had this year, but I don't and there are too many to remember. I just remember it took our Super almost 20 minutes to read them all. We do need new facilities, but cutting extracurriculars won't pay for that no matter how many times you go outside that box smitty it just wont work. We didn't fire any teachers this year when districts all around were letting people go. Our district has done the best it can with what it has and the only chance for growth is passing a new bond, which may not happen right away, but it will. Sorry to go on so long, but I just couldn't sit back and watch people who don't know bash our schools, students, and my co-workers. Hope everyone has a great summer and good luck to schools everywhere and the hundreds of teachers who are now unemployed.
  8. Lots of talent in this district...Have to go with the soph. from Central. Mitchell has improved every week and is going to be something special.
  9. Hopefully so, they have good depth but those two will be missed. Not sure what injuries they had but neither one finished the game and they were originally ruled out for the next game, but who knows they may be fast healers.
  10. I don't see how people have this game being in the 20s. It will be a high scoring affair with whoever has the ball last winning. Central's starting nose guard and defensive end left nederland game hurt and likely will miss this game. Even with them I think the score will be in the 40s. I say Central 47 Vidor 42.
  11. I agree there is no need for dirty play, but I think it is unfair to link the entire team in with one stupid individual. Central has had problems in the past, but the last few years they have played like one of the classiest teams in the area.
  12. Sometimes you have to take the small victories, when real ones are hard to find.
  13. I think each school has fans that post ridiculous comments on here, which is what makes it fun. Its pretty even depending on the week and who is playing. As for my vote, there is one fan who continues to post the most idiotic post week after week and I will venture to say most of you on setx has at one point or another had the misfortune of reading one of his post. While I know he does not represent all fans for that school, its just bad enough to get my vote for Nederland. And I now see that someone has already mentioned him, so here is to you smitty!
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