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Posts posted by Gladtobehere

  1. I should have put why did they not listen regarding the importance over a 7 year period. The former coach was there 7 years and a sport like baseball it's imperative the younger a player begins the better.

    Believe me, I'm not discounting everything the parents and athletes have done to be to get here. I would expect a very high % of kids on the teams left in the playoffs to be involved in select baseball.

    I can see right now that this is someone with a personal vendetta against a particular coach.  You have absolutely no idea what has happened in Silsbee.


    Yes, Silsbee has a good group of coaches now.  But our former coach that you are bashing was a good coach as well.  Maybe you need to step away from a keyboard, have a discussion with the man you are bashing and take a real long look at the program and the talent available from an objective view instead of subjective.

  2. They were up 4-1 after 2, then it fell apart
    They were into the game at that point.. That's why I said the way they came out.. Not the way it ended
    The 11 run inning put an end to that fast

    No it was 1-0 Silsbee after 2. Orangefield scored 4 in top of the third and Silsbee answered with 10 in the bottom of the same inning. But anyway, good luck!
  3. As much as I would like to see OF take this one, Buna will be the winner in this game! Buna 7 OF 2

    My question was more like when will this game be played?  It was supposed to be played Friday, but haven't heard anything about reschedule.  Cannot be made up this week because of testing.....

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