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Everything posted by piratefan

  1. allright guys chill out."chicken nugget" please don't call people out on here by there names.please stay on topic,and try to tone it down a little .
  2. well get under one of those screen names and read the rules.That is against the rules having multiple screen names.Thanks for being honest,I guess it runs in the family since your cousin don't lie..I now will be deleting your current screen name..once again we appreciate you and your cousins honesty..good bye!
  3. You keep making comments like this and you won't be on HERE very long..I guarantee that.
  4. ;D ;D ;D If they only know what I know Barry!!
  5. Like I've posted several times before.. We're averaging a margin of victory of over 40 points per game which is unheard of at WO-S (no previous squad has had a MOV of more than 30 at this point in the season). We've traditionally relied on our very strong defense to get us through and tend to get burned mainly by teams with strong defenses (rather than strong offenses, Wimberley '05 being the only exception that I can think of). As our offense is scoring more than 10 points per game more than any other prior WO-S team, I'm feeling pretty good about our chances in the future. Please don't write off Caldwell, Gilmer or Carthage (or anyone else) but since Caldwell, Gilmer and Carthage (likely opponents in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rounds respectively) are primarily offense-oriented teams (all of them allowing 14+ points per game on defense) I'm thinking WO-S should have the definite advantage since all three teams will be playing into what WO-S does best, which is frustrating high-powered offenses (remember that Coldspring was averaging over 35 points per game and we held them to 8 despite two turnovers). I'm predicting that when any of the three find out that they can't just waltz up and down the field like they've been used to all season that they will quickly get frustrated and from that point on WO-S will DOMINATE. Good luck 'stangs! ;D When WOS87 speaks we better listen...Good post..I look forward to when you post WOS87..always has the stats and knows what he is talking about..
  6. WOS scrimmaged Vidor at the beginning of the year. Vidor runs it pretty well, so WOS has seen a good look at it earlier on. Hope that helps them out in this game.
  7. Snelson was a great athlete.He reminded me of Kendall Briles when he was in High school at Stephenville. Pasadena had a very good offense just no defense. those two turnovers Pasadena had were very hard to overcome.WB scored on both pocessions after the turnover.
  8. I have seen C.Michael twice this year.He had a great day yesterday.I will say hands down he is the best back I have seen in awhile. has great vision and that's why LSU and those other schools are recruiting him.I was in the pressbox yesterday..all the scouts,coaches and even the PA annoucer was asking questions about him.They all heard about him and how good he was.I was sitting in the room with about 6 or 7 coaches from other schools , he made one move and all they could do was chuckle and kinda snicker at the kids trying to tackle him.they were very impressed with him. I have seen Hanna,and Grogan and they are very good also.but Michael is in a class of his own.
  9. I wouldnt get too excited...png purple has only scored three td's all year. very young team.... out of 17 kids on the team 15 are returners to this team next year...all but 3 has never played tackle football before...so 54-0 on this team learning is not a real big deal. Do it next year with this lil team returning 15 kids...then get excited. Would you not get excited if the score was reversed? A parent from PNG Purple came up to the head coach of the Junior White team and commended him on how disciplined his team was,and thought how wonderful a job he was doing to have those boys so sound and effective on both sides of the ball. He seemed truly amazed at how good they played. I think thats a testament to how all the coaches on that staff( DAVE,JOSH,FRUITY,KENT,MAVIS DIME,SNATCHER JR, BROUSSARD, AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST MRS. LINDA & KOOL-AIDS GRANDMA)Out of that list our kids get great coaching,some good role models,and some electrifying prayers and cheers on gameday. Thats what we do here 19cherokee90. We get EXCITED. When we win big we get EXCITED,when we win close ones we get EXCITED,and if by some crazy chance ya beat us......We get EXCITED at the chance we may get to play u again.And this year after the Super Bowl guess what we will be........? You guessed it EXCITED!! Its really kinda fun 19Cherokee90 I wish u had something to get EXCITED about!!!! I can't get any love 92. You and I both know I'm the glue that holds Jr. white together. Tony I was looking for your name, but I guess I just found out what they really think about you over there in WOS..Come on over to Vidor and I will appreciate you..(make sure you bring your boys ) ;D
  10. this was a great game.They played right before us and both teams played very well. Congrats to the Pirates on the big win. The refs were good also in our game.
  11. Vidor jr white 0 PNG jr. White 38 Very good team and they showed me today why they are undefeated. well coached, good athletes and are a physical team. Good Luck to them in the playoffs!
  12. they very rarely say who had the ball..just now they said "qb hands to up back" and still dont know who had ball
  13. these guys don't do a very good job of sayng the pirates names.I know they are Livingston announcers but all they say is like"fullback up middle" and "qb back to pass" they don't say vidor names very often. other then that they arent bad!
  14. I didn't understand the call either.they said it was holding then they signaled it was holding..then they had a meeting of the minds for about two minutes. then they didnt know what to do.I can understand they cant see everything but atleast know the darn rules of the game.
  15. Nederland Jr. Gold 14 Vidor Jr . White 12
  16. I didn't say that, and I didn't hear a coach say it.But if it was said then it was wrong Look I dont want to get in a war on here about she said he said.There was alot of stuff that could have been handled differently.Including from the nederland side.besides the refs it was a good game i thought
  17. I was told it was a holding call by two refs,one ref even signaled a holding call ..but they said the TD didnt count.. they were horrible and theydidn tknow what they were doing.
  18. when you are up 12-6 late in the 4th qtr and the refs make or dont make certain calls and as a coach you feel its one sided ,there is a little frustration involved.
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