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Posts posted by ricko

  1. [quote name="panamamyers" post="1203869" timestamp="1333073043"]
    Took all his recruits with him huh

    That's what it seems like unless they were stacked with seniors.  Apparently the beating up on teams by about 30 runs was not out of the ordinary either. I looked up some of the scores from last year:
    20-0 over O Connell
    25-2 over Cypress Christian
    28-0 over Sanchez
    32-0 over Sanchez
    14-0 over Temple Christian
    17-1 over Cypress Christian
    16-0 over Mount Carmel Academy
    16-0 over Harmony Science Academy
    18-1 over Mount Carmel Academy

    If Baytown isn't too strong this year that coach from last year didn't do the new coach any favors.  Pretty classless stuff right there.
  2. Where did their coach go? I was just extremely surprised that a coach would want to keep that kind of game going. I said that if we went 5 innings we'd be there till midnight and the final would be about 120-0 lol.  Our boys had never played baseball in their life and the competition for TCAL baseball is fairly limited.
  3. Does anyone know how Baytown Christian Academy looks this year in baseball?  I haven't seen much on them this year.  I know last year when we (Houston Sanchez) played them they beat our kids 32-0 in two innings.  When I went to the coach to call the game due to the fact that it clearly was out of hand, the coach told me he wanted to go a full five. Needless to say we left.  We are a much better team this season but I'm wondering what the Baytown boys are like this season.
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