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Everything posted by BWOOD

  1. Not only is Vidor getting Bunner back but Kilmer will return tonight also. Vidor has it starting 9 tonight. could get messy...............
  2. I just heared that one of vidor's players under went surgery today, how is he?
  3. From what I hear, Vidor's players are hitting, fielding and pitching in 75 deg weather......
  4. Here are the ones to watch from Vidor; VJ Bunner - Jr Derik Kilmer - Sr Taylor Robichu - Jr
  5. The School Board is not taking applications for AD/Head Coach. Just talked to two of them, this is a quote!!! "Matthews is here to stay or he can stay as long as he likes......" So all of you can speculate as much as you like, but it will not change the minds of the guys that count.. Mr. Kilmer, Mr. Burr, Mr. Harland, Mr. Wright. Thats four, it's a majority. According to the 2 board members that I talked to Mr. Quinn and Mr. Sonnier supports Matthews also, just not as public as the others. Oh, buy the way I know that I have only listed 6 Board Members. The 7th Board Member was Mr. Croak who passed in August, the board has not appointed his replacement yet. Lets put the Matthews leaving to rest.
  6. Check this out!!!!!! Vidor's possible lineup. Bunner - SS, P, Great hitter Croak - 2nd, can get on base Kilmer - CF, Great hitter Guidry - 3rd, Good hitter Robichu - LF, P, Great hitter Perkins - 1st, P, Good hitter Teal - C, can get on base Fontow - RF, P, Good hitter Then the rest, that is just as good as some of the ones listed. Kennon - 1st, 3rd, Great hitter Nixon -P, 2nd, Good hitter Sims - P, can hit Smith - P Williams - C Rhodes - P Hester - P, OF I know it's early, and anything can happen. Vidor has some very strong possibilities.
  7. The Pirates will have their corners back, could make the differance.
  8. Vidor's player Kilmer, just heard he could be out for the season!!!!!!!!!
  9. Looks like Croak is qustionable for next week, Kilmer may be out for the season and Fergerson questionable for next week. Loosing players like these three against Dayton, it's going to be a long night.
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