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Posts posted by formerpirate

  1. I wasn't saying that they didn't have class, so no rest is needed. I was stating the two arguments since someone asked what all the animosity was about so I told him the jist of the two sides. I don't agree with either of them and I don't have any beef with vidor.

    I apologize, I must have misread it. But that wasn't aimed just at you. It is to everyone who is arguing.

  2. that was actually the first time I posted something regarding the stuff between us and vidor. but I think it is over Dayton using dewey too much and vidor fans having no class. It just depends on which side you look at.

    Come on Vidor fans, didn't you know that if you are not perfect like the people that live in Dayton that you are considered classless. Dayton doesn't have any citizens who are ignorant and make fools of themselves. They are the perfect town and every town in America should strive to be like them.

    Give it a rest with the "have no class" thing.

    And also to anyone who is griping about the kid that pitches all the time....WHO CARES. I don't care if he pitches one time or a million times, it doesn't matter if you are able to hit off of him. The kid is a great pitcher who wins games, that is all that matters. If our team had a kid who could do that and pitch every game, good. If he gets hurt, then that will be his fault and no one elses. Please give it a rest, it is no ones decision but his.

    Also, good win for Dayton. It seems like ya'll came out and took care of business against Central. Keep up the good work and good luck the rest of the way.

  3. Waw, Waw, Waw!   Like I said before, GREAT JOB TO DAYTON BASEBALL!!

    What are you talking about Waw, Waw, Waw? Did you even read my first 2 original posts? You must not have because I gave Dayton props on winning and told Vidor fans to get over it. Like I said don't come in and comment when you don't know what is going on. Your ignorance prevails once again.

  4. Opposing teams should not have to ask an adult to leave "their" side of the stands--the adults should not have been on that side to start with--We did ask some kids sitting on our side and running their mouths  like calling our kids "faggots" and the like to leave--the subsequently refused----------I STAND BY MY STATEMENT--CLEAN IT UP!

    I'm assuming that your kids are perfect and never heckle the opposing team. I forgot that Dayton is the perfect town with perfect citizens. Don't judge our town on a handful of morons. The only reason people recognize our town idiots is because of our past that occured decades ago, for some reason that cannot overlook that.

  5. I would say the answer is probably not. As long as grown men from Vidor insist on standing on the visitors side and deriding the opposing players and coaches then the answer is NO. As long as the people in the pressbox act like they are in junior high then the answer is NO. As long as Vidor muddies up our bus then the answer is NO. I know a lot of people from Vidor and they are fine folks--but a handfull over there are soiling your reputation.You folks from Vidor wonder why the outside world laughs at you---just look at the handfull of idiots from last night and there is your answer---IT IS UP TO THE "GOOD" FOLKS IN VIDOR TO CLEAN IT UP!---FOR GOODNESS SAKES GO GET A BROOM

    Maybe you should look in the mirror at your ignorant posts ("WOW! Girls softball at Vidor really rocks!-----maybe you should suit up"). That sounds like a Jr. High comment to me. Don't act like all of the citizens of Dayton are perfect people. I'm sure you have your share of dumb people living in Dayton. Our reputation from decades ago is the reason why other towns make fun of Vidor. You fail to see the good people here and base all of your judgements on our past. It is no different in our athletic program. But I guess we can't get along because people aren't willing to acknowledge the good citizens and only see the bad ones.

  6. You mean to tell me that this thread is still going on?  I leave for a little while thinking everything is fine and some grown man from Vidor using the kids phrase "for real" gets on here and starts everything back up.  Dang grown ups, "for real" is for kids.

    When did "for real" become a kids phrase, I've never heard elementary kids use it.

  7. Another thing, who cares if they pitched the kid? The fact is he came in and shut us down. You can't win every game. He did a good job, and if Vidor was in the same situation I would expect them to do the same thing. If the kid gets hurt, it was his decision. He could have said no my arm isn't feeling good or I don't want to wear out my arm, and the coach would have said ok. It doesn't matter who they pitched or how many times the threw him.

  8. Why come on here and run your mouth to a bunch people who think they know everything about sports. Dayton won, Vidor lossed it's over. Who cares the reasons why. If Dayton wants to run their mouth, who cares they are probably a bunch of high school kids trying to act cool smack talking on the internet (by the way, it's pretty classless making fun of another school, so don't talk about Vidor being classless). And if you are adults, you should be ashamed for being obnoxious. And to the Vidor posters, don't even comment on what these clowns say, half of the stuff doesn't even deserve a response (maybe laughing at them). You people are clowns.

    And to those Dayton fans who aren't acting ignorant, good game and good luck the rest of the way.

  9. He should go pro.  I wish he wouldn't.   I would love to see the longhorns get a national title in basketball.  They do have an age restriction.  That is why he is in college right now.  He will be gone though.  No kid turns down that kind of money.

    Hansborough did last year. I guess it all depends on the situation your put in. If you and your family are pretty well off, then why not stay another year.  A lot of kids see the money and they have never experienced that kind of financial stabilty like others have. It all depends on the situation I would say.

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