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Everything posted by 33

  1. when you say "i think my team will beat so and so by 7 and hopefully make the playoffs" is confidence BUT "my team beat a 0 and whatever team and we are going to stomp everyone in district and go into the playoffs rollin" is being cocky no one here is gauging our team based off of beating HF. why do you keep making these stupid arguments? as for a prediction, i think WO-S takes down the team that got blanked by LC-M by at least 3 touchdowns. people were last night in the WOS / HF game update thread... no they weren't. they were observing that the Mustang players were playing with a different attitude - playing with a purpose and eliminating the mistakes and penalties. It had nothing to do with WHO we were playing. It was HOW we were playing. you just come on here and look for any reason at all to snipe at WO-S. to be expected i suppose. you will get your reality check this week, even if it doesn't help your obviously compromised intellectual capabilities. get real... you cant make any legit observation vs a team that doesn't have a single win next to their name... of course they're going to "look good" putting up 62 points on a team like HF.... im not trying to make fun of HF or anything but you've got to realize WHO you were playing to determine HOW you played the game that way... of course you wont have many mistakes if any at all in a game when your teams talent is far and beyond anothers...
  2. when you say "i think my team will beat so and so by 7 and hopefully make the playoffs" is confidence BUT "my team beat a 0 and whatever team and we are going to stomp everyone in district and go into the playoffs rollin" is being cocky no one here is gauging our team based off of beating HF. why do you keep making these stupid arguments? as for a prediction, i think WO-S takes down the team that got blanked by LC-M by at least 3 touchdowns. people were last night in the WOS / HF game update thread...
  3. Silsbee beat WOS's offense by 14... Silsbee beat BC's offense by 7... gonna be a great game... idc what you, venom, or Coop have to say about it... say whatever you want but realistically speaking, it's going to be a close game.
  4. when you say "i think my team will beat so and so by 7 and hopefully make the playoffs" is confidence BUT "my team beat a 0 and whatever team and we are going to stomp everyone in district and go into the playoffs rollin" is being cocky
  5. youre right! it's gonna be a close game... but dont make stupid comments like... "they're committed now" because they beat a very weak HF team... good job on the win, but dont be cocky about it... (no offense to HF)
  6. just curious, but you think they are "committed" because they beat HF??? alright, good luck with that...
  7. so far our closest chance was the 2005 season.. best game i think i've watch with BC vs WOS... but both were different style teams... gonna be a good one next week! CANT WAIT!!
  8. i think Silsbee will be OF by atleast 2 possesions... but i hope OF can beat them.
  9. this is going to be a very good game!! this BC team CAN beat WOS!! 21-14 BC
  10. haha, i honestly cant wait for that game!!! my favorite game of the season!
  11. Just something i've been wondering for quite some time now... Does BC have peoples attention and respect yet? not trying to make a big scene or anything but people dont think BC can hang and i think they proven themselves tonight.... even though they lost the game i think they've showed alot of what they can do... they are only 1-2 big plays away from beating a very good silsbee team!
  12. i wore one when i played and honestly i wore it because it was alot more comfortable that the other helmets... Revolution helmets dont even feel like you are smashing heads with them on... but the others feel rock hard on the inside... idk how they would cause more concussions than others... but that'd be interesting to find out and the reasons why...
  13. funny how you're the only one that argues with me... what i said wasn't meant to start an arguement but was just to basically say that WOS is too concentrated on the playoffs that they're just ignoring the rest of the teams in district... point is that yall need to focus on the other teams in district before yall even think about playoffs...
  14. Be worried about BC, OF, and HJ before you even think about the playoffs... be happy with the game your cards played tonight because your waterloo is coming next friday! shouldnt you be on your thread supporting your team instead of running your ignorant trap on ours? try a "congrats" before you start spewing your hate and jealousy for wos! i would have said congratz but someone earlier was bragging about a statement game on HF and such... and trust me... im not jealous of wos... i wouldn't be happy there... too cocky
  15. Be worried about BC, OF, and HJ before you even think about the playoffs...
  16. i agree, but dont bring BC into OF / HJ threads... take it to our own threads
  17. Great job on Silsbee executing perfectly on 2 huge malfunctions for BC! 1 on the punt for the easy 2 yard score and the interception at like the BC 10 earlier in the game!! i dont think there was a more intense game this season from BC!! Great Job both teams!
  18. dang!! great game... 28-21 Final it looks like.... they played an amazing game! great fight BC!! Proud of you guys!!! and good job on the win Silsbee...
  19. 4th and 9... have to go for it... come on!!! all or nothing! right now!!!
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