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Everything posted by texans

  1. it is amazing how dumb burnett got from one year to the next, I see what is wrong with PNG, a dad said, come on that is amazing that you are going by what a dad said. a scout said something at practice
  2. One correction, CO Wilson has played their second team at least one quarter every game. Some games they played most of the second half. That has been going on for two years now. And it shows when the back-ups come in. They look pretty good. They have had that advantage because of some huge leads. I did see your line coach sitting their at half time while the other coaches were talking to the kids in the end zone. I can surely say that is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen in my life. That, in my opinion is enough to smoke MB. The Athletic director is over all athletics and that is completely unacceptable. you mean to tell me the coach was sitting down at half time. that is terrible, give me a break so what that he was sitting down
  3. Is there a lack of talent there or is all the coaches fault. Just wondering
  4. 1998 dayton 49-0 1999 dayton 20-0 2000 dnp 2001 dnp 2002 dayton 20-14 2003 dayton 24-7 2004 King 45-34 2005 dayton 56-21 2006 dnp 2007 dnp
  5. Do you realize IDIOTS like yourself are the reason there are so many so-called "raider haters"? Posting garbage like this is why people on here have a problem with Lumberton. Listen up Bucko, U can sit behind your little pc monitor and run your mouth and call me an IDIOT but I bet if U were in my face U would not be saying these things. I will say exactly what I want to say and I really don't care what U or any other Lumberton HATER thinks about me. I was at the game, U were not, so U don't know what U are talking about. You just get on here and take a shot at Lumberton every little chance U get and thats the way it's always been and that's the way it will always be. The REFS were garbage and that is all there is to it. If U don't like it or like what I have to say, I really don't give a ....Let me tell U something bucky, I'm no IDIOT. Just because U don't like what I have to say, doesn't mean U say that. Like I said, Say it to face, not behind a pc screen. I actually have a college degree which is probably more than U have...I'm no fool. I think you just proved Bucs point You're from Dayton...that's all I have to say about that. I would expect this from U, no surprise stop crying I am sure the refs were cheating, PNG probably played grown men, I am sure everyone was cheating poor lumberton
  6. I would assume they would make the playoffs and challenge for the district title like they have every year under Jerry Stewart Maybe, but it can't last forever, ask BH ;D Dayton and BH expectations are totally different you are saying BH played good on defense they gave up 527 yards and 27 first downs. That is not my expectations, I like to see a defense bend but not break and that is what BH did! 527 yard was given up to two highly recruited DIV I players, your not going to stop that. Dugat and Green could of had a 1000 yards ,but Stewart has to let some of there team mates play sometimes ;D bend but not break they broke for 46 points seven touchdowns, there is not much bend in that
  7. AJ Dugat better watch out looks like he might get shut down
  8. why??? it would just make you jealous of how good their QB and receivers are. ;D Plus, you couldn't reinjure our players we got back, or make us drop 12 balls. j/k, I'm sure they've watched it plenty. It's just that not many teams have a passing attack like friendswood. yeah Im sick and tired of ALL YOU DAYTON FANS talking about how good yall are. We will see in the playoffs how quick the broncos get knocked off. Maybe First round to Lumberton or Nederland ;D ;D ;D Why don't you add all the points Dayton scored while they were in 20-4A and all the points their opponents scored in the same games. Might be kind of lopsided. We all know that everyone in 20-4A is just wishing they could get paired up with Dayton in the first round. Especially Lumberton. Dayton against district 22-4A 2006 PF 269 PA 49 2007 PF 252 PA 28 2 year Total: PF 521 PA 77
  9. You're not wanting to start a rumor.... so you decided to do so to see if it was a rumor. Uh huh. If was coach Moody I would leave after this year, take my family and leave. The only thing I ever read is finger pointing at Moody. LCM has for the most point has always lost in football. Maybe it is not just him. I can tell you this I would not take that job for 100,000 dollars. There is no support from community, parents, or the players. Maybe just maybe if the so called grown ups would not always down the coach maybe they might win. All the kids quiting is a joke, the parents sould be kicking the kids in the butt.
  10. you better stick to golf, football might be a little rough for you
  11. Lets see the same head coach and his philosophy wins 10 games 3 years ago and then cant win. It is amazing that he became so dumb. I wonder if he got in a car accident or something. Poor coach Price. You cant make chicken salad out of chicken ________
  12. I have a great idea why dont yall go and get a degree, teach, coach at junior high, move up to high school. better yet move to another town, better yet produce better offspring, maybe your genetics is the problem Are you a coach Texans? BTW I have 2 degrees. I as well have two degrees
  13. dont get me wrong, I cant stand barbershill but get off the coaches butt, yall loved him a few years ago
  14. I have a great idea why dont yall go and get a degree, teach, coach at junior high, move up to high school. better yet move to another town, better yet produce better offspring, maybe your genetics is the problem
  15. 19-4A will probably start sept. 30th and then play the following sat. same as 20-4A
  16. First of all old timer we have those players. Yes yall got lucky and beat us with 4 starters out last year. That was last year. Two years ago we killed yall, leave the past in the past. Stop worrying about Dayton. Hopefully in week 11 yall can play us again. I do know one thing we are a better football team than yall right now. Stop worrying about Dayton and worry about Lumberton. That is the problem with a few of you. Worry about your own team. I got a great idea worry about Barbers Hill right now and your own district. I for one am sick and tired of talking about Dayton and Lumberton.
  17. I didn't say that they were a bad team. Just that W.B. was better Mr. A.D.D. I can't read. How do you know that WB is better. Have you seen them play each other.
  18. I talked to some of the coaches from Dayton and they would love play Jasper on the 12th. They need a game just like Jasper. PM me and I will pass it on to the Dayton coaching staff.
  19. Razor you and goodsport is why people want yall to lose. Have you ever thought that dayton might be coached. It is no secret that yall are going to run the ball. Yall lost to a better team get over it.
  20. For being the biggest crybaby on the forum.
  21. Everyone from dayton please stop posting we all know if it was a real game then the score would have been switched.
  22. Since Liberty and kelly are cancelled liberty should see if they can get in with dayton and lumberton, it would be fun.
  23. They are horrible, if you cant beat them you need to get the basketballs out
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