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Posts posted by shermdog

  1. Several things need to change in order for LCM to be competitive in FB.

    1) To many COACHING CHANGES . In every sport at LCM. Not enough EXPERIENCED COACHES stay .

    2) JH program needs a mix of older and younger coaches that are willing to TEACH FOOTBALL.

    3) LCM needs a coach who is not afraid to "BUCK" the system. SBoard needs to quit babying these kids and let a coach TOUGHIN' EM UP.

    4) Parents need to let a coach TOUGHIN' EM UP.

    5) If you hired a OC you need to LISTEN to him sometimes and ADJUST on the field. OC calls plays and HC calls what he wants and say's that will never work. ASK PLAYERS IT HAPPENS!

    6) CHANGE the whole ATTITUDE at the school. You have to be able to make these kids BELEIVE they can compete.

    I am sorry to say that I do not think that the current AD can do these things. Although we knew it was going to hard for LCM to win this year because of youth they should be able to COMPETE with many schools in the district. 21-0 in the 1st quarter in multiple games is bad . I hope it gets better soon because this effects the school as a whole.


    I will address points 1 and 2.  I do not  normally respond to other schools issues but I have had a little experience with this one.  Look at you base pay scale for teachers.  There are 1A and 2A schools in the area that pay several thousand more dollars in salary.  I was offered a job at LCM and turned them down.  It came down to dollars.  I was at a 1A and would make less at LCM.  My dad always told me that you do not teach and coach for the money, but you have to take care of your family.  IF you check the 4A districts in the setx area, you will find a big discrepency $7000 to 8000 with the schools that have their hiring schedules posted.  Just an observation.

    Your right sherm they are constantly losing good teachers due to salary.

    Just checked the websites of a few of the 20-4A schools.  All schools pay on a scale of degree of education & years of service.  Of the job posting from the 3 websites in 20-4A I checked,  they were fairly comparable.  I didn't see anything near a $7000-$8000 discrepancy unless you are holding a Masters or Doctorate degree with 33 years of experience. 

    DISCLAIMER: It might be out there...but I didn't see it. 

    Look at Nederland,PNG,PAISD,BISD,Barbers Hill, Dayton......

  2. Several things need to change in order for LCM to be competitive in FB.

    1) To many COACHING CHANGES . In every sport at LCM. Not enough EXPERIENCED COACHES stay .

    2) JH program needs a mix of older and younger coaches that are willing to TEACH FOOTBALL.

    3) LCM needs a coach who is not afraid to "BUCK" the system. SBoard needs to quit babying these kids and let a coach TOUGHIN' EM UP.

    4) Parents need to let a coach TOUGHIN' EM UP.

    5) If you hired a OC you need to LISTEN to him sometimes and ADJUST on the field. OC calls plays and HC calls what he wants and say's that will never work. ASK PLAYERS IT HAPPENS!

    6) CHANGE the whole ATTITUDE at the school. You have to be able to make these kids BELEIVE they can compete.

    I am sorry to say that I do not think that the current AD can do these things. Although we knew it was going to hard for LCM to win this year because of youth they should be able to COMPETE with many schools in the district. 21-0 in the 1st quarter in multiple games is bad . I hope it gets better soon because this effects the school as a whole.


    I will address points 1 and 2.  I do not  normally respond to other schools issues but I have had a little experience with this one.  Look at you base pay scale for teachers.  There are 1A and 2A schools in the area that pay several thousand more dollars in salary.  I was offered a job at LCM and turned them down.  It came down to dollars.  I was at a 1A and would make less at LCM.  My dad always told me that you do not teach and coach for the money, but you have to take care of your family.  IF you check the 4A districts in the setx area, you will find a big discrepency $7000 to 8000 with the schools that have their hiring schedules posted.  Just an observation.

  3. It is very painful to see the Bear program in the shape it is in. When the current head coach leaves, how about bringing in someone that is familiar with the programs and the school, and community. There is a coach out there that is fits that mold, and has been successful as a head coach, and I feel could get that program back on track. The kids would play hard and would be tough both physically, and mentally. I just hope this thing gets turned around in a hurry.

    Sounds like yall need to get someone as far away from that as possible get some new blood and then have a board willing to back him up when he start P.O. ing mommies and daddies

    Moody is not from this area.  He is from El Campo.  About 4 hours from Orange after you cross Houston.

  4. I'm with you Sherm. I watch the Boy Scouts raise the flag at most games and they do it wrong, technically speaking. I thought the scouts were big on the Flag Code and the respect that goes with it but they do not raise the flag in the correct manner.

    In the scheme of bad things in the world, this is miniscule in nature.... but I still wish they would do it correctly.

    I will forward this to the council leadership.  They should be able to make sure everybody is properly trained by the next game.  Not only do I coach and teach I also work with the cub scouts in my community.

    This is something that I do get fired up about.  To much blood has been shed not to be respectful.

  5. I go to a bunch of games and this is a pet peeve of mine.  Raising the American flag slowly up the flag pole.    According to the US flag code:

    'Raising and Lowering the Flag

    The flag should be raised briskly and lowered slowly and ceremoniously. Ordinarily it should be displayed only between sunrise and sunset. It should be illuminated if displayed at night.

    The flag of the United States of America is saluted as it is hoisted and lowered. The salute is held until the flag is unsnapped from the halyard or through the last note of music, whichever is the longest.

    This is the hidden content, please

    Lets honor Old Glory and do it right.

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