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Posts posted by shermdog

  1. hd bobcat9,

    Please answer my questions.  I would like to know.  All you have  stated is opinion and innuendo.  Please enlighten all of non football gurus.

    Let me see Shermdog, i'd really like to get off this, but I will give you some examples. Lets take for instance the Groveton playoff game last year, Coach Barbay's last game at HD. First off, HD took an early lead in this game, as the Bobcats began pounding their two big backs (A.Cook 230lbs and T.Patterson 215lbs.). All looked great until about the second quarter when we drove down the field gaining a 1st and goal inside the 10 yard line. Coach Barbay took both those backs off the field, and put in backups, 150lb RB backups. Two straight runs gaining nothing, and an incomplete pass and we're at 4th down. HD goes for it, with those backs still on the sidelines, incomplete pass, turnover on downs. No big deal, it was one drive. Early in the game, we've got a lead. Unfortunately Coach Barbay decided to do this on three straight possesions inside the oppenents 10 yard line. You can say, maybe those backs needed a break, but one of them was on the sidelines begging to get in the game, with no avail. Fastforward to the closing minutes of the first half, with Groveton driving down the field through the air on us. He decides to put 10 men in the box (with Groveton running 3WR's) and they burn us on a long pass. The next play the QB slips down and the clock is running. Whew, we caught a break, they can't lineup to get a play off. Ooops, that's not the case. Coach Barbay decides to call a defensive timeout with :02 seconds left until halftime with the Indians on our 35 yard line. This happened to let them get off a perfectly diagramed screen pass that they took to the house and scored with no time remaining. OK, so a little bad clock management, and not keeping your big guys in when that's working. Well the second half was alot worse. He abandoned what was working in the first half. It wasn't like Groveton adjusted to it, and we were trying to make an adjustment to them, he just did away with it. Rediculous play calling throughout the second half. We punted on a 4th and 1 on their 48 yard line, yet we went for a 4th and 9 on our own 31. Both these plays were in the 3rd quarter. Same thing with out big running backs, get in the redzone, take them out. Our stands were booing so loud I actually felt sorry for the man. It was a total collapse. Needless to say, we gave up a big a big lead, and Groveton won 45-36. This is just one game. Every big game he was not able to have his team perform. Maybe it was lack of talent, but I dont' think so. Maybe they weren't motivated, or the kids didn't have heart, but I doubt that's likely either. Horrible play calling, having kids playing out of position, or not even on the field. I don't think he understood the concept of small school ball. You have you're best 11 on the field at all times. If you've got 11 kids going both ways, so be it.

    I know this really doesn't do my any justice to my argument,  you'd just have to be here, in the community and at the games. Against teams like Sabine Pass and High Island we looked great, but against big games, and rivals the preparation was pitiful. We'd never get over the hump and beat EC, or even come close. Heck, when we went down to 1A, Burkeville was our primary competiton and he couldn't beat them, then when they moved out it was West Hardin, and we've seen how that rivalry went in the last few years. Here's a little historical information. HD had never lost to Hardin at home in the history of the rivalry. Barbay was able to do that not only once, but twice. Also, HD has never lost to West Hardin and Hardin in the same season before he came along. He was able to do it in back to back seasons!!! Hardin and WH were improved those years, but there's no excuse for the way those teams performed. Four straight 1st round playoff losses and the last three in 1A. HD was a perenial playoff team in 2A, and he barely squeaked us into the playoffs in 1A, only to be shelacked by teams like Iola, Normangee, and Timpson. Not exaclty the calibur of teams HD used to lose in the playoffs to (Alto, Groveton, Grapeland). If I'm not mistaken he leaves with a 33-29 win/loss record. At some schools I guess that's ok, but not at Hull-Daisetta. I'll quit ranting, and I'm sure I still didnt' give any valid credentials to my argument, but I promise you, he will not be missed as far as I'm concerned.

  2. Thanks Big C, I appreciate the support. I know HD Bobcat 55 takes a lot of flack from folks on this board, but I guarentee you, he know his football, no doubt. He may talk more smack than anyone on here (kvilleballa excluded), but he's knows his football. It was a privilege to play next to him for many seasons. He was a great offensive lineman in his own right, while we're giving each other props, and I was always glad he was on my team and not the opponent. We grew up at HD from K-12 and we learned what tradition and school spirit is all about. That's something I believe Coach Slack is bringing back to the Bobcats.  

    When Anahauc is something like 12-28 after 4 seasons under Barbay, don't say we didnt' tell you so.

    Please answer my questions.  That is all I ask.

  3. Some of us happened to have played both ways back in the day. 3 times defensively, twice on offense. I think that counts as a five time selection. I guess it takes a rocket scientist like yourself to figure that one out.

    hddemon and hatchet, you know in your hearts that Barbay was a pile of garbage during his time spent here at HD.  I agree with both you guys on most topics and I respect your opinions but come on fellas. Be honest with yourselves...... He did about as good of a job with the talent he had and the competition he played against as Russell Roberts did here at HD, and that's not saying a whole lot. The only really good coach the Bobcats have had in the last two decades is Randy Copeland, and he moved on to be the head coach at 4A Jacksonville. Maybe Barbay will turn Anahauc around, I hope he does. I just don't want the Anahauc fans getting too excited about it. He did nothing short of average while here in Bobcat land.

    hd bobcat9,

    Please answer my questions.  I would like to know.  All you have  stated is opinion and innuendo.  Please enlighten all of us non football gurus.

  4. That's great, yall could have had him three or four years ago as far as most HD folks are concerned. Let me know if you feel that same way two years from now. I'm pretty sure you guys will be so fed up with his horrible play calling, non-utilization of players in the right areas, and lack of preperation for oppenents, that you'll be shipping him out the door too. I'm not questioning or calling out the man's character because I do not know him and I wouldnt' do that. I do know how he's ran a piss poor program with loads of talent playing at the 1A level for the past 5 or 6 years with ZERO district championships. Hull-Daisetta lost 4 of the last 5 games against West Hardin under his tenure, compared to 5 total losses to the Oilers in our entire 40+ year rivalry before he came around. Coach Slack has brought an undefeated district title to HD in his first season as head coach. Good luck and good riddens, and I'm sure you guys will improve that 2-8 record, but don't expect him to do what his father has been able to do in Newton for years and years.

    Please justify the following:

    Lack of preparation for opponents, please provide examples.

    Non-utilization of players, again please provide examples.

    Loads of talent, please provide examples.

    BTW, HD was only a 1a for the last three years of his tenure.  Not 5 or 6.  WH had some pretty good teams the last three years(but you would probably say they did not)

  5. Ok.. I tried staying off of here, but I did not want to give HD the pleasure of thinking that they had any part in the success of me and my brother, Thomas.... Yes, Thomas and I were raised in HD we lived there from K until I was in First grade and my brother was in the Fifth grade.... Well several factors led to us moving one was the fact that the HD Pee Wee coach turned down the two of us for little league football... they played the excuse that they had too many players and we could go find somewhere else to play... so to all those that think HD had a part in us being good you are totally wrong... and another reason why we left is because my brother had a problem with a teacher at HD elementary... so we checked out and home schooled for a year... We decided that we did not like that and transferred to WH and have been nothing less than loved and welcomed every since.... and i believe that my brother feels the same as I do about this subject... if anybody should receive credit it would be our Pee Wee coaches Bill Wright and Dale Miller... not only did they influence our style and toughness, but they instilled Respect, Character, Leadership and Heart into our lives...and for those who are bad mouthing this years team... I have not seen any drop off in this years team Tubbs has just as many yards as I did last year up to this point and Tyler looks to show the same leadership qualities as Brandon did this year.. We all had our shining moments and our glory these players this year deserve just as much credit as everyone else has received in the past so lets focus on what is now and not what used to be.

    Had the opporttnity to coach against Zach the past couple of years.  He seemed to have it together.  I am happy to see that he is well spoken and supportive.  Those are the kids you coach for.  Thanks for the good example you set.

  6. Hardin was up 42-20 with 2 mins to go.......they were dominating the whole game and then it was all bad luck after that......never seen a game like it in my life and you will always have a game like that......If hardin didn't take the starters out with  2 mins to go then they would have scored another td but things happen and it was unreal what when on last night............Hardin just needs to win 1 of 3 and there in........shouldn't be a problem........

    Thanks for the props you gave to Anahuac.  They played hard and never gave up.  That is HEART!!!!!  Again, thanks for the props.

  7. Hahaha...this one again!!! I believe it's just the final six weeks grade. I just thought about something: Some schools might have an advantage with failing players if they opt to have the 9 week schedule rather than 6 weeks. I'm not sure of all the regulations, but it's something to think about. ??? ??? ???

    Those schools have to still report at six weeks for iniatal eligibility.  After that, 9 weeks is followed.

  8. I wonder if there is a Samoan connection up there in Euless Trinity.  They have a large population of Samoans and those kids are some great athletes, boys and girls.

    BTW they are from Tonga, not Somoa.  And yes it is a big deal to them.  The Tongan population at Trinity were brought over by the Mormon missionaries.  Those people have been in the DFW area for quite a while.  For a while, they were a major part of the workforce at DFW airport. At least that is what one Tongan player told me.

  9. Mike Webster former Hall Of Fame center lived on the street and in fact is he still alive? Some of his former teammates had to pay his way to the Hall I think.

    Mike Webster passed away within the passed three years.  He had several mental issues.  They were linked to his playing days( head to head contact)  Very sad story.  We place these guys on a pedestal and when they quit playing nobody cares what happens to them.

  10. I remembered another one.  This was from practice.  Reggie Brown (6'4" 245)and Rodney Thomas(5'11", 210) collided on the iso.  Both of them bent their facemasks and broke the welds on their facemasks.  I have seen them both break masks on opposing players.

    Rodney Thomas was a true fresh and knocked out a senior FS filling the ally on the sweep.

  11. Cussing does not always convey intensity.  Your body language and the relationship you have with the kids can do a much better job.  As a coach, I refrain from cussing.  However, being human a word will occasionally slip.  I think that cussing shows a lack of education.  Using cuss words shows that you have a limited vocabulary.  As educators, we should be using every possible moment as a teaching  opportunity.  The only time I remember cussing and a kid hearing it was when I tore my ACL in BKB practice.  When I did that, he knew I was really hurt and not joking.

  12. My point on the ends of the court is officials change positions through out the game.You don't have officials locked in to lead and trail positions for an entire half thus killing the argument that one team gets calls one half and the other team the next half.I have watched a lot of games in HD and I think they tend to let the kids play a little rougher over there than the officials in the Beaumont chapter,not saying it's wrong , you just gotta adjust.

    In the game in question spurger at HD, they were locked in.  I have to disagree with you on the rough play.  I have the impression that Beaumont allows the rougher style of ball.  I have seen more kids cut under going that direction than out of the Cleveland and Huntsville chapters.  I was at the BC tourney two years ago(this example still stands out in my mind), I do not remember the kid from EC who drove the lane and was rebounding his missed shot.  He was in the air and cut from under, rolled over the defenders back and then hit the ground and there was no call.  Kid could have been seriously hurt.  We played in Buna this year and our kid was fouled, no call.  The HD player was hit and his direction was changed in mid air, no call.  I would not bring that incident up, but people I knew from Buna were apologizing for the poor officiating. 

    Now It happens in all chapters and everbody has a story.  All I want is consistency.  This only benefits the game.

  13. h.d. plays 7 on the court at home. spurger had them beat last year at h.d. till hd put 7 in the game if you no what i mean.

    HD used the Cleveland chapter of officials(do not know if they will this year).  Cleveland officials do a good job of keeping the games under control.  I have seen them talk to a coach  and explain what is going on when other chapters will not.  I feel that they call a good game.  The problem is consistancy between chapters.  One chapter will let you street ball and others will not.  Cleveland handles some tough games in the area.  And they keep it under control.  They are a small chapter and are pretty selective who comes in and represents them. And, they have a few that are not as good as others. And HD has lost at home so your rule of seven is not true. 

    As a coach, I appreciate the fact that they make you play basketball and not streetball.  I have seen the rule of seven go against HD at home and away.  The question is can your team adjust to the style of officiating or will they whine?  We had several coaches ask for info on the chapter.  So they can not be that bad.

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