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Posts posted by akifan94

  1. I am sure she is tired of being owned in these threads. She has yet to make one intelligent reply to any of my comments although she has called everyone out in the process. It is the typical behavior of someone who has no true answer and can only rely on talking points and google searches when trying to make an educated post. 

  2. You guys sound like a bunch of embeciles as well. When I have friends over I pull of this forum. Some are completely astonished and are rendered speechless, some start cussing ( ms morris , she rsnts and raves and says that there are stupid people everywhere) and others think that this site is a joke and you guys cant be serious. My 17 yr old thinks that all of you guys have gone mad. I will never forget the look on his face when I showed him some of your responses. I am laughing now just thinking about it.



    So you are a racist that cannot spell. Congrats. 

  3. what do you think of people who dislike Obama, but they dont have a clue as to what his policies are? I have encountered people who have said "I dont like the Predident's policies". I ask them to tell me about the policies they disagree with and they cant name any.


    1. Obamacare

    2. Immigration Reform

    3. Inability to call Muslim Extremism what it is

    4. Keeping the joke that is Ed holder (huge idiot and racist) in a position of power / influence

    5. He is maybe the most arrogant president I have witnessed. He takes responsibility for nothing and touts everything he pushes as the greatest ever

  4. Typical debate over when life begins.


    As far as people making mistakes; should the employer pay for insurance that covers a smokers lung cancer or a head injury of a helmetless biker? Just asking.


    First off I admitted in my post my comparison was not on topic with Hobby Lobby. If you are a smoker you do pay the price in other ways such as higher premiums on life insurance. Nobody plans to ride a bike without a helmet and fall off. 

  5. Why in the eorld would they exclude the morning after pill? That is not an abortion pill. I think that is what hobby lobby originally said but they sneaked in additional contraceptive s

    In my opinion it is because at some point personal responsibility has to be accounted for. Your employer is not legally or morally responsible for covering your mistakes. My insurance does not cover lap band surgery. Should I be pissed if I decide to eat 15 cheeseburgers a day? I know that is off the topic of religious views but it is still the same ideal. My employer is not responsible for my personal choices. 

  6. This is the problem, it is bigger then the birthcontrol issue. Religious organizations are exempt from paying for them. You have this company whose CEO and board of directors decide it's against their religious beliefs to pay for birthcontrol pills. What happens if exxon mobile's board of directors and ceo are Jehovah's witnesses and they decide not to cover blood transfusions, they had the insurance company write an exclusion. This could have a snowball effect


  7. What about women who need birth control pills due to health condtions like menorrhagia and polycystic ovarian disease? Does Hobby Lobby still pay for vasectomies?

    It is covered. Day after pills do not treat those conditions. The bottom line is we live in a country where people are free to make life changing choices. I am all for that, but if you make choices that lead to an unwanted condition then it is on you. Not your employer. Not the taxpayer. Did Hobby Lobby stop paying for tubal ligation? No, so why you dragging a vasectomy into the conversation? 

  8. Women do not want people to tell them what to do with their body but they want someone else to pay when they screw up. Seems logical. By a freaking box of condoms and keep them in your purse if you want to whore around. Pretty simple. If you cannot afford it then sounds like you cannot afford to have sex. 

  9. It does make me feel special. My comment was on response to the "We are Texas" comment that tshirt fans love to throw out there all of the time. Things change if you haven't noticed.

    A&M had more players invited to attend the draft than the entire Big 12, and all 3 will most likely be taken in the top half of the 1st round.

    Yet aggy could not finish no better than 4th in the conference, All those studs and not crap to show for it. Maybe they can claim an NFL draft invite title and place a sign on the outside of the stadium. The 2015 class is falling apart for aggy. It is decommit season for aggy and the two year ride on Johnny Manziels back is over. 

  10. You must not pay much attention to recruiting in the state of Texas lately. Keep living in the past while your team gets passed up.

    I believe we all heard the same type of stuff coming out of Austin during their coaching search. We are Texas! We can get any coach we want! Oops, I guess we will settle for our 8th choice.



    Does it make you feel special to be an adult with the mentality of a 12 year old or is that just the aggy in you shining brightly? 

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