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Everything posted by Jasperdog94

  1. This is crap!!! Jasper has 12 men on the field, calls timeout and the officials still mark off a penalty!!!!!! :
  2. On 3rd and long there's pass interference on Jasper. Silsbee announcers thought it was against Sislbee. >
  3. Jasper fumbles and Silsbee takes advantage. Jasper - 26 Silsbee - 20
  4. No so fast my friend. Silsbee just scored and Jasper just fumbled. Jasper - 26 Silsbee - 13
  5. I love the improvement in Jasper's game throughout the year. Brooks still needs a little more time to get the program back to where we were, but great start so far...win or lose against Silsbee. That said, due to the improvement in the team I'll take Jasper by 6.
  6. Again, glad you seem to know so much about me. : : : :
  7. Classy response...real classy. How about, "Hey guys, we're going to change up our routine a bit. Some folks feel that it's bad sportsmanship for the visiting team to gather at midfield on the home teams logo/mascot. So, instead of gathering on the field at midfield, we're going to move that to the endzone." That's all it would take.
  8. I noticed that you completely ignored the fact that I was responding to another poster's suggestion. :
  9. My point is that's not the topic of conversation. Nobody here is talking about tearing anything up.
  10. I can promise you that I'd be the first one to say that was the wrong thing to do. I do respect other's opinions (yours included). I can understand how some people feel that no disrespect is/was intended. On the other hand some posters are now more aware that some people do think it's unsportsmanlike. I think it would be a great thing to bring up to the coaches. They may be completely unaware that some people take offense to it. It could be a great time of teaching to the kids. I respect your opinion because you didn't come on here saying that this was a jealousy thing. Trust me, it's not. I noticed this at the beginning of the 2nd half...at that point Jasper was winning. BTW - The stangs came out in the second half, simplified the offense and blew Jasper off the ball. The linemen won that game for the stangs. Congratulations on the win.
  11. Show me where anyone is talking about tearing up someone's field.
  12. Simply unbelievable. This has NOTHING to do with a team's abilities on the field. I don't know how I can be more clear about that point. This has EVERYTHING to do with sportsmanship and respect. I'll leave it at this: If high school sports are about building a sense of teamwork through fair competition and sportsmanship, then it needs to stop. There is nothing "sportsman-like" about jumping up and down on another team's mascot/logo, whether it's intended disrespect or not.
  13. You had me until this last statement. Why must is always come down to the win/lose issue? Maybe, just maybe people feel that this is wrong based on sportsmanship and mutual respect. It's comments like these that make people think WOS posters are arrogant. I don't think you meant to come off that way, but that's the way it sounds. I don't know if you read my previous reply before you submitted yours, since it was 2 minutes between replies. Maybe if you read that you'll understand where I'm coming from.
  14. JAV: I have no problem with a difference of opinion. What I have responded to in most cases has been (a) people that say I'm whining or complaining when all I've done is pose a question and ( to people that have gotten a little bit personal with me about the issue. I don't doubt that WOS (in particular) doesn't do this as a sign of disrespect. I wanted to know if I was the only one who felt this way. That has been the intent of this thread. Not to offend anyone. Not to provoke anyone. Simply to ask a question and get people's responses.
  15. Wow. There sure seems to be a lot of people that know a lot about me on this board. : And to answer you, yes I would condemn Jasper and any other team that does it because I feel that it is unnecessary and disrespectful of the other team.
  16. This was not intended as a "WOS complaint thread". All I wanted to know is how most people felt about the issue. It just happens that most non-WOS posters think it's disrespectful, but all the WOS posters and a few others feel that it's not.
  17. Let me ask it another way. If you go to midfield and jump up and down on another team's logo, is that showing respect to your opponents field and/or logo/mascot? If the answer is no, then it's being disrespectful. It's not that big a deal to get pumped up in the endzone. Why feel the need to do it midfield?
  18. Part of the problem is that the QB is short. He can't see over the line and can't see the open man. I'm not saying this to be mean. I'm just pointing out the obvious.
  19. But that argument doesn't hold water when you're talking about school sports. What you're basically saying when you say "beat em" is saying that if you can't, then the other team is allowed to do whatever they want to irregardless of being disrespectful. The coaches are there to do more than just win. They are there to teach character and responsibility. That said, we can agree or disagree about it being disrespectful or not, but to say "just beat em" is a cop out IMO.
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